Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/remove-snow-from-dog-fur/

Dogs are adorable, and it doesn’t matter what they are doing, they will always look adorable to us. There are times, however, when they really can touch your heart and this sometimes happens when they come in out of the snow.

Although there are some dogs out there that don’t care much for the white stuff, there are other dogs that can’t get enough of it. They run around outside like crazy, enjoying every minute of their freedom until they have to come indoors again.

1200x628 template 4 2023 01 01T124646.619 - How To Get Snowballs Out Of Your Dog’s Fur
Photo: Pexels/Efrem Efre

When they do come indoors, they may bring along some companions with them. I’m not talking about other animals, I’m talking about little snowballs that can get caught up in their fur.

If this is a problem with you and your dog, you likely already realize that it is difficult to handle at times. There are also many suggestions on what can be done to fix the problem, but not all of those suggestions are worth their weight.

One thing that we all know is the fact that pulling the snow off of your dog’s fur is not a good idea. It is going to be a painful experience and you are still going to have to brush out your dog’s coat to keep it from matting.

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Photo: Pexels/Son Tung Tran

Thankfully, the Internet is there to save the day and that includes a unique hack that may just save you a lot of time and effort. It uses a kitchen utensil, the wire whisk, to remove the snowballs quickly and easily.

This was passed on to the Instagram user (@abby_australian_labradoodle) by the owner of an Australian Labradoodle. She thought that it was so easy that she wanted to share it with others. She even claims that her dog enjoyed it.

If your dog has the right type of fur, it is likely that this tip is going to make a big difference when you bring them in out of the snow. For other dogs, the whisk may not work very well.

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Photo: Instagram/@abby_australian_labradoodle

A slicker dog brush may be necessary to remove the snowballs and it also has the added benefit of brushing the dog so they have fewer knots.

If you have a little bit of time and patience, you may consider using some warm water and a rag to speed up the melting of the snow. Make sure that the rag is not too hot or it could be uncomfortable for your furry friend.

A hairdryer may also work to melt the snow quickly. Make sure you don’t put the hairdryer on the hottest setting, because it will be a painful experience for your pooch.

One other tip is to use some preventative maintenance. Buy a doggy snow suit to keep the snow from getting on their fur so you will never have to remove it again.

If all else fails, put a blanket down in a warm area and let your dog rest while the snow melts naturally.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog