Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/guilty-donkey-apologizes/

If you have a dog in your life, you already realize that they have difficulty getting away with anything sneaky. Some of them will wear the guilt on their face in a way that is unmistakable and others will act guilty, even if they didn’t do it!

Perhaps you have seen videos of two dogs sitting together while the owner scolds them for something that was done. The one dog will act happy, wagging its tail and loving life. The guilty party, however, will shy away from the conversation. They are busted before they even know it!

As it turns out, this isn’t something that is only confined to those that own dogs. The man in the video below learns very quickly that Steve the Donkey also has difficulty with a guilty conscience.

landscape 2021 04 29T191206.142 - Guilty Donkey Gets The Best Of His Dad During A Lecture

It starts out when the man is upset because Steve the donkey broke into the feed shed. I’m sure that it is quite a temptation for any donkey, especially when they are a chowhound!

Steve has the guilty look on his face immediately.

landscape 2021 04 29T191330.086 - Guilty Donkey Gets The Best Of His Dad During A Lecture
Photo: YouTube/RM Videos

Rather than simply looking guilty, Steve escalates things to the next level by giving his owner a look that would melt any heart.

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He then plants some kisses on his owner, just to ensure that he doesn’t get into much trouble.

landscape 2021 04 29T191549.507 - Guilty Donkey Gets The Best Of His Dad During A Lecture
Photo: YouTube/RM Videos

Don’t get me wrong here, Steve is guilty and there is no doubt about it.

The fact that Steve broke into the feed shed is not in question. What is in question is if the man in the video could ever resist so much cuteness.

Watch the video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog