Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/grumpy-the-cockatoo/

They say you’re only as old as you feel. While he might be 50 years old, Grumpy the Goffin cockatoo isn’t a day over twenty.

This bird is truly living his best life. In fact, this bird has quite an interesting little party trick: He can bark like a dog.

As Grumpy’s owner, Linda, shared on Instagram, the bird has been in the family since 1988!

Linda shared in an interview with GeoBeats Animals that she’d gotten him from her brother after a breeder decided to get rid of his inventory. At the time, Linda’s husband didn’t want any pets in the home, but she flipped a coin. Luckily, Linda won the coin toss and Grumpy was allowed to come home with them.

Despite being cared for, it took Grumpy a little while to adjust to his new family and home environment. But, Linda wasn’t about to give up on the bird, and she eventually wore him down with lots of love. Eventually, Grumpy came to love his new home and his owner Linda, who absolutely doted on him like a baby.

Over the years, Grumpy has been a beloved fixture in the home, seeing all the changes within the family.

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 06T194932.256 - Grumpy The Cockatoo Celebrates His 50th Birthday
Photo: YouTube/GeoBeats Animals
1200x628 template 4 2022 10 06T195018.723 - Grumpy The Cockatoo Celebrates His 50th Birthday
Photo: YouTube/GeoBeats Animals

As Linda explained in her interview with GeoBeats Animals, “After seven years I had a baby and I couldn’t give him very much time. …he finally let my husband touch him and that’s after seven years. Now when I go away, he will let my husband handle him. When I’m at home, I’m his first choice. …My son is now 23 years old. He tries to drive my son out of the house. He’ll try to swoop him and he’ll scream at him. Sometimes he flies at my husband, but we understand that he’s a wild animal we still love him.”

She added, “Grumpy is in his 50’s. He loves his flying. His flying has a major impact on his heart health and longevity. According to one source, his expected life expectancy is 26 years. So is Grumpy doing well for an old guy?”

We’d definitely say so!

Check out the video below:

[embedded content]

Linda shared shared on Instagram back in June that Grumpy’s health has been in decline. He’s had a decreased appetite and some diagnosed heart value issues. Now in October, she’s having to hand-feed him with a syrgine.

Given the lifespan for well-cared for Goffin cockatoos is usually not more than 40 years according to the Spruce Pets, it’s safe to say that Grumpy is doing incredibly well for being 50-years-old!

Even with some health issues, Grumpy is still quite the character.

You can keep up with Grumpy on Instagram, @grumpythebird.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog