Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-tinsel/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Several months ago, we lost a very precious fur baby to a sudden illness. She came to us as a rescue from an abusive home and once she learned to trust us, she became a beloved member of our family. Losing her was devastating, not only to my husband and me, but also to our other two kitties who were very close to her. She had been our “problem child,” always in mischief, goofy, and moody, and we loved her for it. Our children are grown and with her around, it was like having a toddler in the house again. Her passing left our home quiet and sad.

Several people suggested we get a new kitten to help fill the void, and while I occasionally looked around, it never felt right. I wasn’t even sure that I could do it again. In the end, as a Christian, I decided to leave it up to God. And sure enough, He took care of it.

tinsel2 - Grieving Family Forced to Reschedule Appointment, Finds Kitten on Rescheduled Date

The Saturday before Christmas, we had an appointment at our vet’s to take our poly in for a nail trim. For the first time ever, she hid, and we ended up missing our appointment. It was rescheduled for two days before Christmas.

That morning, we took her in, and the vet’s office told us about a young kitten who had been through the day before. She had been dumped on a client’s property. They couldn’t keep her and the shelters were all full, so they took her in to the vet to have her checked, hoping they might help find her a home. We immediately said we’d take her.

We shouldn’t have been at the vet that day and were, only because we missed our earlier appointment. She was dumped and found the day before. It was meant to be and I’m sure, the answer to prayers.

tinsel1 - Grieving Family Forced to Reschedule Appointment, Finds Kitten on Rescheduled Date

We now have a furry, mischievous, goofy toddler in the house, filling the sad, quiet void with hyper excitement and love.

Her name is Tinsel and she is absolutely our Christmas miracle.

Story submitted by Rebecca Ellis from Sackville, Canada.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog