Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/german-shepherd-find-kittens-in-bed/

It’s no secret that dogs can be territorial about their space. When it comes to a dog’s bed, it’s often their space and no one should be allowed in it.

Some dogs might aggressively try to protect their space, but Rocky the 2-year-old German Shepherd is incredibly gentle and understanding – even when his dog bed gets overrun by a litter of tiny kittens.

1200x628 template 4 2023 02 26T112628.188 - German Shepherd Reacts To Finding 4 Tiny Kittens In His Bed
Photo: YouTube/Rocky

In a sweet video shared on Rocky’s popular YouTube channel, you can see the dog heading to his dog bed only to discover three tiny kittens lounging on the soft surface. A fourth kitten wandered around the outside of the dog bed getting ready to join the rest.

Rocky isn’t sure at first, he sniffs the kittens and gently paws them. Eventually, he hops onto the couch and gets a bird-eye view of the kittens on his dog bed.

1200x628 template 4 2023 02 26T112718.572 - German Shepherd Reacts To Finding 4 Tiny Kittens In His Bed
Photo: YouTube/Rocky

While some dogs would force the kittens out of the bed or plop down on top of them, Rocky is so gentle and simply watches and observes.

German Shepherds sometimes have a bad reputation for being dangerous or aggressive, but Rocky couldn’t be further from that.

1200x628 template 4 2023 02 26T112753.035 - German Shepherd Reacts To Finding 4 Tiny Kittens In His Bed
Photo: YouTube/Rocky

Seeing him interact with the kittens, even though they’re in his personal space, really shows how gentle and sweet he is.

You can watch the moment that Rocky reacts to the kittens for yourself in the video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog