Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/kayley-and-vinny/

16-year-old Kayley suffers from dangerous nighttime seizures that can be fatal.

Her extremely generous community banded together and helped raise $38,000 to get Kayley a trained service dog to help her and be her companion.

Screen Shot 2022 10 02 at 7.52.18 PM 1200x658 - Family Has Peace Of Mind After Daughter Is Gifted Service Dog Who Alerts To Her Seizures
Photo: YouTube/KHOU 11

The Australian Labradoodle, named Vinny, was specially trained for more than a year to be able to save Kayley’s life in the event of a seizure.

Although Kayley is non-verbal, it was very obvious how happy she was to meet her new furry companion, and Vinny was just as elated to meet her.

Screen Shot 2022 10 02 at 8.01.35 PM 1200x670 - Family Has Peace Of Mind After Daughter Is Gifted Service Dog Who Alerts To Her Seizures
Photo: YouTube/KHOU 11

“He went straight over to Kayley and jumped up on her lap, put his paws on her and gave her a kiss,” Kayley’s mom, Heather, told KHOU 11. “It was the sweetest thing.”

When Kayley has a seizure, she emits a certain scent that Vinny was trained to recognize. Once he smells it, he immediately pushes a button that triggers an alarm, alerting Kayley’s parents that she needs help.

Screen Shot 2022 10 02 at 8.00.29 PM - Family Has Peace Of Mind After Daughter Is Gifted Service Dog Who Alerts To Her Seizures
Photo: YouTube/KHOU 11

Kayley’s parents have never been able to get a good night’s sleep in all of her 16 years of life, because they’ve always been too afraid that she will stop breathing during the night without them knowing.

Now that they have Vinny to alert them, they can finally have some peace of mind during the night.

Screen Shot 2022 10 02 at 7.53.19 PM - Family Has Peace Of Mind After Daughter Is Gifted Service Dog Who Alerts To Her Seizures
Photo: YouTube/KHOU 11

“This dog is literally going to change our whole family’s lives, not just my daughter’s, but mine as well,” Heather said.

Watch Kayley and Vinny’s story in the video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog