Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/eyeless-puppy-puddin/

An eyeless puppy was given a second chance at life and she’s loving every minute of it!

It all started when Puddin lost her eyes as a young puppy.

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Photo: YouTube/Cuddle Buddies

According to Puddin’s story as shared by Cuddle Buddies, the poor pup lost her eyes because her owners were so neglectful. As a puppy, she was kept outside in a yard and not given any medical care. When her eyes became infected, her owners refused to do anything about it and allowed the infection to take over.

Eventually, animal control got involved and took Puddin’s family to court so they could gain access to her. When the court case finally settled, Puddin was removed from the neglectful home and finally given a second chance at life, but not before she lost her eyes.

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Photo: YouTube/Cuddle Buddies

Because of the infection, both of the sweet dog’s eyes were ruined and useless. They were removed as a result. It seems like a traumatic thing to live through, but Puddin pulled through with grace and compassion.

In fact, despite her background, Puddin was full of love for people and very eager to start a new life with a new family.

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Photo: YouTube/Cuddle Buddies

When Corey showed up at the shelter and met Puddin, it was over. He fell in love with her sweet ears and quirky personality. He decided to take her home and offer her a family to call her own and Puddin couldn’t be happier.

You can see more of Puddin’s story in the video below:

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If you’d like to keep up with Puddin, you can check her out on Instagram or TikTok, @mydearpuddin.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog