Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/nurse-adopts-dog/

A Georgia nurse went above and beyond to not only care for a patient in their final days, but ultimately the patient’s dog as well.

As Kimberly Still cared for her dying patient, she got to know her and learned of the patient’s family and beloved Chihuahua, Jax.

Screen Shot 2022 08 17 at 8.06.02 PM - Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

From what her patient told her, Still could tell how much she loved Jax.

Sadly, after the patient died, Jax had nowhere to go. He ended up in a shelter outside of Atlanta, which put him at risk of euthanasia.

Screen Shot 2022 08 17 at 8.07.42 PM - Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

When Still heard about this, she knew she had to do something immediately.

“The only possession she had in life was this dog, and she loved him so much, and he was with her through so much,” Still told Inside Edition. “So, I was like, well, I have to go get this dog.”

Screen Shot 2022 08 17 at 8.07.07 PM - Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

Still had plans of picking Jax up at the shelter and finding him a loving forever home.

While she knew she wouldn’t settle until she found the perfect home, she didn’t realize that the perfect home for him would be her own.

Screen Shot 2022 08 17 at 8.10.29 PM - Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

As soon as she met Jax, she couldn’t part ways with him. She instantly fell in love with him and knew she had to adopt him herself.

Adopting Jax was one final act of compassion for her patient who she had taken such great care of. Now she gets to take care of her patient’s beloved dog for the rest of his life.

Screen Shot 2022 08 17 at 8.10.48 PM 1039x675 - Dying Patient Had No One To Adopt Her Dog, Then Her Nurse Stepped In To Help
Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition

Still brought Jax home and introduced him to her other dog. Thankfully, the two of them bonded instantly and Jax fits right in at their home.

Hear more of this heartwarming story in the video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog