Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-skoshie/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

When my mom’s Alzheimer’s got bad enough that she had to move to a memory unit, Dad was very sad without her at home. My brother helped him find a Maltese puppy, who Dad named Skoshie after a dog of the same name that had been on his Navy ship many years before. Skoshie became Dad’s constant companion, and we are convinced he saved Dad’s life more than once when Dad was feeling despondent. Skoshie was a much-loved and much-spoiled little dog!

Fast forward five years to the last month of Dad’s life, which he unfortunately had to spend in a nursing home because of congestive heart failure. I took Skoshie to visit him several times, and he was quite a hit with the staff there! One day as I was about to leave, I heard the nurses at the front desk exclaiming over how cute Skoshie was. I turned back to let them pet him, and I mentioned that we were all sad that we would have to find a new home for him soon. (I have several house cats who wouldn’t tolerate a dog, and my brothers’ situations did not allow them to take Skoshie, either.)

skoshie2 - Dog That Helped Man Through His Wife’s Alzheimer’s Battle Goes on New Adventure

A minute later, as I turned to leave the nursing home, I heard a call from across the dining room: “I’ll take him!” I looked up, and one of the staff members came racing across the room. I said, “Are you sure? He’s not even fully potty trained.” But Augusta was absolutely sure. She gave me her name and address and told me to come over and take a look at her house if I wanted. Meanwhile, the staff at the desk were all smiles over Gussie’s offer. I told her I’d give her overnight to think about it, and if she was still sure, Skoshie could move in with her the next day.

Well, the next day, Augusta was not only still sure, her daughter (in another city) had already ordered all the items needed to make a wonderful home for Skoshie! I left him and his favorite blanket and toys with her amidst a lot of smiles and a few tears. Augusta had him fully potty trained within a couple of weeks and took him to visit Dad several more times before Dad passed away.

That was three years ago, and Augusta has spoiled Skoshie even more than Dad did. He travels with her and sleeps with her every night. Every January, she throws a birthday party for Skoshie and his little doggie friends, and now Skoshie even has a sister, Bella. He’s the happiest and luckiest little dog in the world!

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I’m convinced that there was divine intervention the day Augusta overheard me saying that Dad’s little hero needed a new home.

Story submitted by Linda Barnum from Colfax, Iowa.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog