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A labrador puppy was rescued from a meat farm in South Korea and his rescuer ended up adopting him.

South Korean musician Annie Ko works with Humane Society International as a translator. During one of their projects, the humane society raided and shut down a dog meat farm. Ko went along for the raid to act as the on-site translator, but she walked away from the project with a new family member.

When they arrived on the farm, they found over 100 dogs crammed together in wire cages. Similar to how cow and pig meat farms are in the US, dog meat farms often house their animals in inhumane conditions.

Screenshot 3808 - Dog Rescued From Meat Farm Finds Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
The Humane Society of the United States

While most animals who end up in a meat farm don’t get a second chance at life, a few very lucky ones live to see a life outside of being a human’s next meal. Luckily for the dogs at this particular farm, they were able to be rescued and placed into loving homes.

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Getting a meat farm shut down is the first step to ending animal pain and suffering, and people like Annie and the other volunteers are how the reason this can happen.

Screenshot 3811 - Dog Rescued From Meat Farm Finds Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
The Humane Society of the United States

However, Annie Ko took her activism one step further and decided to open her home and heart to one of the dogs that was rescued from the farm.

You see, many of these animals are freed from meat farms, only to find that they do not have any other place to go. This causes any number of problems, and without willing adopters, it’s likely that many of the rescued animals will be considered for euthanasia.

Screenshot 3814 - Dog Rescued From Meat Farm Finds Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
The Humane Society of the United States

While that’s certainly a more humane fate than living a life as a meat animal until their imminent slaughter, it seems that there are people willing to take on adopting these dogs – they just have to be found.

For Annie, she wasn’t planning to adopt a dog, especially not a rescue dog from a meat farm. However, when she saw the little pup snuggled in her friend’s arms, she couldn’t help but fall in love.

Screenshot 3818 - Dog Rescued From Meat Farm Finds Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
The Humane Society of the United States

Annie and DeeJay are now the best of friends! Annie opens up about her initial hesitations and her awesome relationship with her new BF DeeJay in the video below.

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What a heartwarming story! Sometimes the darkest beginnings lead to the most beautiful outcomes.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog