Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/bubbly-abandoned-road-rescue/

In my humble opinion, people who abandon their pets on the side of the road are loathsome human beings. There is absolutely no excuse for it.

If you can’t care for your animal anymore for whatever reason, call a rescue or take them to a shelter for surrender. Don’t just drive out of town and call it a day.

But one poor dog’s abandonment was considerably horrible given that she was dumped while still inside her crate!

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Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official

Bubbly is a sweet little pooch who was found in her crate sitting on the side of the road. The poor dog’s owner had just left her to die, trapped inside her crate on the street.

Luckily for Bubbly, she was found by two first responders who knew they had to get her some help. They made a call and then stayed with the abandoned dog until the Stray Rescue of St. Louis made it out to the scene.

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Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official
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Photo: YouTube/Stray Rescue of St.Louis Official

The first thing that the rescuers noticed was how friendly and happy she seemed despite her circumstances. They also quickly noticed how badly she needed medical attention as well.

Poor Bubbly’s ears were inflamed and infected, and as she rode in the car with the rescuer, it became apparent that little Bubbly smelled quite stinky – probably from whatever was going on with her ears.

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Photo: Max Pixel

But, things ended up turning around for the better as Bubbly was finally in good hands and will hopefully be off to a forever home of her own soon!

Watch the video of her rescue below:

[embedded content]

What do you think of Bubbly’s abandonment? Have you ever heard of a similar story? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog