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A small dog who was abandoned by its owner was given a second chance at life and found a new, loving forever home.

The little dog was rescued after Hope For Paws got a text about a dog who was left behind by its owner.

They weren’t sure what happened to the pup’s owners, but they knew one thing: She needed help. Rescuers went to the house where the dog was spotted and they were able to locate her, but actually rescuing her wasn’t going to be easy.

new landscape 2021 06 24T223912.081 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

The small dog, who they named Kitty, had quite a fighting spirit and didn’t want to be rescued. As soon as rescuers got close, she’d dart away to another part of the property and evade rescue.

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Thankfully, the Hope for Paws rescuers weren’t going to give up that easily, and after a lot of effort, they finally cornered the dog.

new landscape 2021 06 24T224208.116 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

They usually try to take dogs in a way that causes the least amount of stress to the animal, but Kitty wasn’t about to let them put a leash on her.

After realizing the dog wasn’t going to give up fighting, they decided to use a net – a tool they try to avoid due to how stressful it can be to the dog.

Once Kitty was netted, she fought hard, but eventually, she calmed down enough to be moved to the car.

new landscape 2021 06 24T224439.061 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

The poor dog was quite shaken up but seemed to notably calm down in the car. She sat in the passenger seat and relaxed a bit.

Perhaps she realized she was safe and the humans were there to help her.

new landscape 2021 06 24T224601.092 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

Kitty was taken to the rescue to be spayed, vaccinated, and microchipped. Once she was all taken care of, Tobie’s Small Dog Rescue agreed to take her in as a foster and work on getting her a forever home.

It wasn’t long until Kitty had found a loving forever home.

new landscape 2021 06 24T224843.024 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

The rescue shared, “This tiny dog didn’t surrender without a fight, but once she was in my car and sat on the blanket that was decorated with many cats, I decided to name her Kitty.

From the hospital, she continued to her foster home with Tobie’s Small Dog Rescue, and shortly after, they found her a loving forever home.”

new landscape 2021 06 24T225153.089 - Dog Left Behind By Her Owner Finds A New Forever Home
Photo: YouTube/
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel

They also emphasized the importance of creating a will for your pets, just in case something unexpected happens to you. They said, “I don’t know if the owner moved away or passed away… no one knew to tell me that. It is so important to make plans for your pets should anything unexpected happens to you. Hope For Paws would like to help with that and help you create a Will for FREE that will ensure the safety of your pets.”

You can use their free resource here to create a will for your pet.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog