Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-found-tied-to-bench-with-letter/

image - Dog Found Tied To A Bench With A Heartbreaking Letter

If you cry easily like me, then you might want to grab some tissues. In Mexico City, Mexico, there was a very heartbreaking discovery made on a park bench.

A very precious pup named Max was found tied to the bench beside a very, very sad note.

Looking at the handwriting of the letter, it is believed to possibly have been written by a younger person.

The note stated that they had no choice but to leave Max on the bench in the hopes that he would find a better life.

As the note continued, the reason for leaving Max on the bench was to spare him from the abuse that he was experiencing at home.

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The note writer mentioned that their relatives were hurting him, and they couldn’t stand to watch it happen.

The note implored whoever found Max to please “take good care of him” and to give him a good home. It further added that if whoever found Max could not do this, to please leave the note so that someone else could adopt him and give him the love he deserves.

The cute pup was quickly taken in by volunteers volunteering for Mascotas Coyoacan – a local animal rescue. When the volunteers arrived at the park to collect him, Max was understandably shy and scared.

The poor pooch wouldn’t stop shaking in fear. But eventually, the rescue was able to gain his trust.

As it turned out, Max was still a puppy. Wanting to give him the best second chance possible, the rescue renamed him Boston. They are hopeful that he will be able to find the forever home he deserves. It’s quite sad that his previous owner, who clearly loved him, had to say goodbye, but hopefully Boston will have wonderful things in store for his future.

While he’s still in the care of the rescue, he seems to be making friends and adjusting well.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog