Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/roman-and-sugar/

When Jessica welcomed Roman into her home, he was a lot to handle! The dog had so much energy and was incredibly clumsily.

In fact, in an interview with The Dodo, Jessica described Roman as a “bull in a China shop.” Despite his big personality, he also had a sweet and gentle nature.

When Jessica was presented with the chance to rescue a bunny from a breeder, she decided to give it a try and open her home up to the little rabbit. She didn’t think Roman would hurt the bunny, Sugar, but she never could’ve guessed what their relationship would look like.

1200x628 template 4 2022 04 15T115312.441 - Dog And Rescue Bunny Become BFFs And Do Everything Together
Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

When Jessica brought Sugar home, she introduced her to Roman through a cage. However, within the first week, Sugar was given free rein of her own room and Roman happened to have access to the room as well.

Bunnies are easily frightened and can even die of a heart attack when they’re scared, so it’s important to help them feel safe and make sure nothing can spook them. A lot of rabbit owners keep their dogs separated from their bunnies for that reason, but Jessica had a feeling that Roman would be ok around Sugar.

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Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Not only were Roman and Sugar ok together, but they actually started forming a friendship! Roman laid on the ground in Sugar’s room and let her hop all over him. It seemed that Roman knew what Sugar’s boundaries were and how to interact with her in a safe way.

Eventually, Jessica realized their bond was becoming real and strong when Roman laid down for a nap and Sugar snuggled up next to him.

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Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Speaking with The Dodo, Jessica shared that Sugar doesn’t like to be pet or handled by her, but she’s completely fine with Roman touching her and licking her! It seems that Roman helps Sugar feels safe and secure in her new home, and now, the two do everything together!

They nap together, play together, eat together, and love each other’s company. Their relationship is so pure and beautiful.

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Photo: YouTube/The Dodo

Jessica eventually decided to add a third friend to the mix, a new cat! Surprisingly, they all get along great.

Check out the video below:

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You can see more of Roman, Sugar, and their new cat friend Callie on Instagram, @beastandthebunny.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog