Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/mistaken-cat/

A hilarious video has gone viral on TikTok recently, and it might be categorized as slightly criminal, as it involves a woman accidentally nabbing a cat from the streets.

mistaken cat in line1 338x338 - Distressed Cat Owner Commits Unintentional Pet Theft When She Mistakes Street Cat As Her Own
PHOTO: Unsplash/Hugo WAI

The video in question has been viewed almost 8 million times, and it is hilarious.

A woman accidentally “catnapped” a precious furball that looks identical to her own cat, George.

The video starts immediately with Kelly, the catnapper, yelling at George, telling him that she thought that he was on the loose and complaining that she’s got a random cat in her car.

George turned to Kelly as if asking her exactly what does that have to do with him, as if everything that’s happening to his owner is, in fact, actually her own doing.

mistaken cat in line2 338x338 - Distressed Cat Owner Commits Unintentional Pet Theft When She Mistakes Street Cat As Her Own
PHOTO: TikTok/km.queenx

Kelly then proceeded to go to her car, letting out the most nervous-sounding laugh I have personally ever heard and showing people the cat that she stole – again, accidentally.

She exclaimed in the video that, yes, “That’s not George! Why does it look like George?!”

To be fair, they do look strangely alike. I wouldn’t blame Kelly for mistaking the stray cat for George.

mistaken cat in line3 338x338 - Distressed Cat Owner Commits Unintentional Pet Theft When She Mistakes Street Cat As Her Own
PHOTO: TikTok/km.queenx

Kelly told the story of how she catnapped the stray cat in an interview with Sky News. When she first thought that George managed to get outside the house, she happened to see the stray and called out to it with George’s name.

“The cat came right up to me. I couldn’t believe it! That’s why I was like, “Get in the car!”” she said.

When she got back to her house from retrieving her missing cat, lo and behold, the missing cat was chilling in the house. Realization hit Kelly that she had stolen someone else’s cat.

Comments flooded the viral TikTok. Some are asking Kelly what’s the plan now that she’s got a random cat in her car, the others are ignoring the crime and opting to comment on how Kelly’s laugh is the “laughter of a woman having a nervous breakdown,” and some are sharing that they have experienced the same thing as Kelly. Apparently, mistaken identities in cats aren’t as uncommon as you’d think.

All’s well that ends well, though. Kelly posted an update on the cat with a TikTok that shows her releasing the cat outside. Some have voiced concerns about how Kelly handled the situation and the dangers of releasing an animal outside. But Kelly assured the comment section that the mistaken cat is fine.

“Everyone heated and this cat is an outdoor cat. He’s home. I have talked to the owners, and yes, he knows the area bcuz he’s now always in my sunflowers,” Kelly replied in one of the comments on her update video.

Watch the news clip of Kelly and her “cat-napping” in the video below.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog