Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/deaf-dog-spared-euthanization/

This story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on ShelterChallenge.com. Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue group to win cash and prizes. Every time you vote we’ll give an extra donation to shelters!

Quincy came to our vet clinic in April to be euthanized. He’s a two-year-old American Bulldog mix with some very special needs. Because he is deaf, he was getting startled in his previous home and the owners couldn’t handle him, but our vets took one look at his goofy smile and happy wiggles and simply could not euthanize him.

quincy1 - Deaf Dog Scheduled to be Euthanized is Spared and Learns Sign Language Commands

We’re all about second chances here, so we set about trying to help Quincy. During his five-month stay at the shelter, we began training him with sign language, teaching him important things like “sit” and “stay” and while the latter is still a work in progress, he proved to love treats too much not to sit on command.

Quincy quickly became a favorite of shelter staff, who constantly took him on walks and let him settle into the front office during slow times. He brought a lot of laughter to the shelter, especially when he would flop over for belly rubs and wiggle across the floor, and it was hard to imagine how anyone could give up on him.

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Due to COVID, adoptions became few and far between, and because of Quincy’s special needs, we feared we might never find his perfect home. Weeks dragged into months, and while people seemed interested in him at first glance, once they learned he was deaf and required special care, they turned away.

We reached out to several places who specialized in deaf dogs for guidance and help, but still we could not seem to find his forever home.

And then finally, on August 27th, that special adopter came to visit. He took one look at Quincy and knew this was the dog for him. A previous dog owner, he had enough experience with animals for us to feel comfortable sending Quincy home, and he was willing to adjust his lifestyle to meet Quincy’s needs. Now Quincy is living in a brand new condo and living the high life traveling with his new owner.

quincy2 - Deaf Dog Scheduled to be Euthanized is Spared and Learns Sign Language Commands

Our heartfelt congratulations to Quincy, who went from knocking on death’s door to being pampered in his new forever home!

Story submitted by Aimee Mann.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog