Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/deaf-cat-raglan/

Raglan’s story was originally shared in the Clear the Shelters Adoption Story Challenge on ShelterChallenge.com. Raglan won the Second Place Prize of $5,000 in cash and pet supplies for Good Mews Animal Foundation! Create your own free Shelter Challenge account and vote for your favorite shelter or rescue group to win cash and prizes. Every time you vote we’ll give an extra donation to shelters!

Raglan came to Good Mews Animal Foundation in October 2014 from a large hoarding case in the Metro – Atlanta area.

Upon arrival, she had a few medical issues to address, including extracting many of her teeth due to stomatitis and the discovery that this pretty girl was deaf. For these reasons, Raglan often kept to herself at the shelter, as she startled a bit easily since she could not hear other kitties or humans approaching. Though she occasionally curled up in visitors’ laps, all affection would have to be given on her terms. Due to these issues and as an older gal, she was often overlooked on adoption days.

Raglan1 - Deaf Cat Rescued By Shelter in 2014 Finally Finds Fur-Ever Home

Over the years, Raglan did blossom somewhat, becoming more playful with toys, enjoying “sound journey” programs as she could feel the vibrations of the singing bowls, and being a representative of our Kitty Keeper program where volunteers would send letters to our supporters on her behalf. Raglan was an especially important resident and yet all of those who knew her wanted the one thing she didn’t yet have: a forever home!

Like many organizations, Good Mews Animal Foundation was forced to temporarily close as COVID-19 emerged into our community. During this time, we sent 105 cats to foster care until we were able to reopen again. Raglan was able to go to the foster home of a volunteer who already loved her very much and thought it was a great opportunity to give it a “trial run” in her home.

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Her foster mom picked up Raglan on March 20 for what was supposed to be a two-week foster assignment. Raglan was sequestered in a bedroom as her “safe space” at first to allow for a gradual introduction to the other cats in the home. That very first night Raglan climbed into her mom’s lap, purring, and curled up for a nap as if to say “Finally, my own person!”

Raglan was a delightful surprise as she settled into her new living arrangement. She loved getting pets, sought out her foster mom during the day and slept with her every night. Raglan was a fast learner, mastering the dry food foraging toys she found. She made friends with her housemates Opie and Wally as the three of them chased each other throughout the house and played. Raglan had the energy of a kitten, batting her favorite toy, plastic balls, across the floors.

Raglan2 - Deaf Cat Rescued By Shelter in 2014 Finally Finds Fur-Ever Home

The two-week foster assignment became four weeks and then six weeks. Her foster mom joked with friends that Raglan was “working her hard” and making the case for becoming a permanent member of the family. The truth was that her foster mom already knew she could not and would not be able to let her go back to the shelter after getting a taste of “the good life.” In early May, Raglan was officially adopted, making her family complete.

Some may call this a “foster fail,” but to all of those at Good Mews Animal Foundation who have loved Raglan for so long, it’s a huge SUCCESS. In fact, 30% of the cats that went to foster during the shelter closure were adopted by their foster parents and did not have to return to the shelter. Stories like these are a wonderful silver lining during a year of such uncertainty!

Story submitted by Kendra Ledlow.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog