Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/conservation-officer-community-dog-ledge/

Julian Stanke and his girlfriend Amanda were enjoying a hike along the picturesque Superior Hiking Trail in Minnesota when the hike took a turn. One-year-old Bogi, Stanke’s Springer Spaniel, got loose from his leash and ran off. It took half a day, the help of an internet community, and a dedicated conservation officer to get Bogi back to safety.

The couple searched for the pup for hours after he bolted and ultimately found him in a place they couldn’t reach. He had managed to get down to a ledge 30 feet below them. Frantic, they went to the Superior Hiking Trail Facebook group to ask for help.

superiortraildog - Conservation Officer and Internet Community Come Together to Help Man Rescue His Dog from a Ledge

Stanke posted to the group, “He is ok, responsive, moving, barking, but seems to have no place to go. I have zero rope or anything to get to him, and soaked to the bone after two hours of trying to find a way to him in the rain, so we have to go back to the cabin now (9pm). I will be at the trail head at 5 am (sunrise) if anyone with climbing gear or extra hand can be there to help hoist us up if I can get down to him.”

Fortunately, in addition to the support and advice from members of the group, there was a conservation officer there to meet him the next day. In a stroke of luck, Bogi was just where he had been the night before.

Officer Mary Manning had the equipment they needed to get down to the ledge. Manning repelled Stanke down to retrieve the pup.

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He posted, “Bogi was clearly still shaken up, but came over to me, and there was great relief from both of us.”

They hoisted Bogi up and Stanke followed. After reaching safety, it was determined that the pup had only suffered a scraped up elbow.

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Stanke said he was so grateful for the outpouring of help he got throughout the ordeal, including on his original post, which has more than 100 comments and 100 shares.

He wrote, “Thank you for all of your love, prayers, vibes, and support through this nightmare. Thanks to Amanda for keeping the level head, and all of her love and care through the sleepless night. And especially to our hero, CO Mary Manning, without whom we may never have all ended up home safely.”

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Well done to all those who made sure this fur family went home intact.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog