Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/dog-arranging-furniture/

A clever dog decided one dog bed wasn’t enough, so she did some living room furniture rearranging to make herself more comfortable!

According to SWNS, the incident happened in early October after Yvonne and David Gallop had went to sleep.

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 24T125814.358 - Clever Pup Rearranges Livingroom Furniture To Make Herself More Comfortable
Photo: YouTube/SWNS

Their dog, a 7-year-old Greyhound named Polly, was asleep when the couple turned the lights out for the night, but she didn’t stay asleep for long.

In the middle of the night, Polly got up to make herself more comfortable. Given how large Greyhounds can be, it’s no surprise that Polly wasn’t fully satisfied with her tiny dog bed.

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 24T125918.639 - Clever Pup Rearranges Livingroom Furniture To Make Herself More Comfortable
Photo: YouTube/SWNS

CCTV footage in the Northampton, England home captured the dog pulling a small bed across the living room to prop up against her dog bed. The way she arranged the furniture gave her an even bigger bed to settle down in! How smart.

The Gallops had no idea what their clever Polly had done, but they did hear some strange noises happening during the night. They wanted to investigate those noises so they pulled up the surveillance footage and discovered what Polly had done!

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 24T125945.746 - Clever Pup Rearranges Livingroom Furniture To Make Herself More Comfortable
Photo: YouTube/SWNS

Dogs really are smarter than we give them credit for.

Check out the video below to see Polly in action:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog