Woman Rescues Abandoned Pit Bull From Railroad Tracks Just In Time

Nina Love is our hero. She rescues dogs that are abandoned on the streets of Philadelphia and gives them the second chance they all deserve. But a recent rescue almost ended in tragedy. Love heard about a pit bull abandoned in a park near active railroad tracks and knew she needed to act fast. She rushed to the area and spotted the grey and white dog on the tracks. She risked her own life to save the dog. “I knew the train was coming soon because it passed right before she ran onto them, and trains run every 10 to 15 minutes,”...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Goose Taps On Animal Hospital’s Door, Comes To Comfort Injured Mate

Arnold the Canada goose is well-known around the New England Wildlife Centers in Massachusetts. He lives on a pond near their facility and has been with his mate for years. When staff noticed Arnold was limping and falling over, they brought him in for an exam and learned that he had two open fractures on his foot. While they don’t know for sure how this happened, they believe a Snapping turtle or other predator attacked him while he was swimming. Photo: Facebook/New England Wildlife Centers They knew if they wanted to save his foot,...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Alligator Shows Up On Doorstep, Brave Dad Takes Matters Into His Own Hands

When Eugene Bozzi of Mount Dora, Florida, saw a giant alligator at his neighbor’s door step, his first thought was to protect his seven daughters and the neighborhood kids who were playing outside. The 26-year-old Army veteran thought it was a baby gator at first, but as he got closer, he realized just how big it was. Photo: YouTube/Inside Edition But that didn’t stop him from trapping the gator before it could harm anyone. A brave Bozzi quickly grabs a nearby recycling trash can and approaches the alligator. The gator slowly...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

21 Malnourished Dogs And Puppies Rescued From “Terrible Conditions” In NYC Apartment

NYPD’s Animal Cruelty Investigation Squad entered a Brooklyn apartment with a warrant after receiving multiple calls about possible animal abuse. They were disturbed by what they saw and smelled. Large dogs were crammed together in small crates with no food or water. One dog was found chained to the radiator and another chained to the dishwasher, reports News 4. The floor was covered in urine and feces and the apartment was full of flies. Dogs and puppies were living in squalor for who knows how long, and all were malnourished. The...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

How to safely feed your dog a plant-based diet

From health benefits to environmental sustainability, there are a lot of perks to plant-based diets. But can our dogs thrive without eating meat or other animal products? “Can my dog be vegan?” Though many experts are hesitant to admit it, the answer to this increasingly common question is yes. But hold the phone…it’s not quite that simple. Sure, in theory many dogs can thrive on a vegan diet. The trouble is, meeting your pup’s nutritional requirements on plants alone is a lot easier said than done. In fact, the...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: Dog Information InformationView Details

Dog Pokes Her Face Through Pipe In Hilarious Video

Dogs take their duty seriously — for all they know, they might be the only thing standing between their beloved family and the absolute chaotic unknown of the outside world. While this is the reason we get stories like “hero dog saves owner from rattlesnake,” some dogs are a little goofier in their attempts at heroism. For example, take Gabi the guard dog, who guards the family home in São Paulo, Brazil with her life! PHOTO: PEXELS / MAGDA EHLERS To do this, she’s not afraid to stick her neck out. The little pup...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Dog Finds Her New Forever Home After Being Left To Die In A Landfill

Looking at a rescue dog, you can never know exactly what their story is. One of their best and most enviable traits is the ability to put the past behind them and embrace their forever home with passion and love. For Amie, when watching the big and playful girl romp around with her little chihuahua brother, you’d never know that she was found barely clinging to life, nearly paralyzed from injuries in a cardboard box discarded at a landfill. Her story is one of resilience, luck, and, fortunately, one with a very happy ending! Photo:...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

How Goats Are Helping In The Fight Against Forest Fires

As wildfires continue to ravage the West Coast states, and droughts drag on longer and harsher than they have in recent memory, it’s no surprise that everyone from ranchers to government officials are looking for new solutions. What is surprising is that a well-established practice from decades past is proving especially useful in some areas. The technique uses goat herds to thin vegetation in susceptible areas, potentially creating a fire break by deploying the animals in repeated patterns. It may sound strange, but for those familiar...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Rescue Greyhound Flies To His New Italy Home In Business Class

Lewis the greyhound is one lucky dog! Born and raised in Victoria, Australia, the pup overcame his hard years in the country’s notorious and exploitative greyhound racing circuit, before being rescued by Greyt Greys Rescue. The volunteer-led group fosters greyhounds until they can find their forever home, which Lewis did just recently! Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Shaz91 Now, headed to his new home all the way in beautiful Italy, Lewis had another stroke of luck when Singapore Airlines let him fly in the cabin, business class! Article...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Man Goes Viral For Being Neighborhood “Cat Whisperer”

Anyone whose familiar with cats knows how picky they can be. It seems that we don’t choose our cats, but they choose us instead, and they might love us or hate us. Unlike dogs, it doesn’t matter if we give a cat a place to live, food, or attention. The cat’s only loyalty is to the people it deems worthy. While that generally seems true, there are always those few people who seem to connect with cats on a deeper level. The cats choose them, and it’s not a coincidence. That was the case for a man named Chris Watson, AKA,...

    Posted On: Oct 8, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details