Can Dogs Eat Cool Whip? Vet Approved Facts & FAQ
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Cool Whip is a summer favorite—a perfect topping for all hot weather treats! It is no wonder that our dogs want a dollop for themselves! If your dog got into the goodies or you just want to spruce up your dog’s palette with a lick of a sweet treat, can Cool Whip be a suitable option? As you know, Cool Whip is a dairy product packed with sugar. Cool Whip is non-toxic, but it can be...
Senior Dogs and Sick Cats Rescued from Frontlines Are Getting Care They Need, Thanks to Your Support
Your donations are making a huge difference in the lives of animals rescued from the war zone in Ukraine. Military members continue to rescue innocent dogs and cats left behind near the frontlines. They make sure they reach a safe place, like Patron Pet Center, to get the care they need. Photo: Patron Pet Center Animals continue to arrive in need of immediate medical attention and a quiet place to rest. They are welcomed with open arms by kindhearted staff into the state-of-the-art facility designed with the needs of pets in mind. Photo:...
Irish Wolfadoodle (Irish Wolfhound & Poodle Mix): Info, Pictures, Care & More
Click Below to Skip Ahead If you’ve been hunting for a large breed of dog but haven’t found the right one yet, we’ve got just the pup for you—say hello to the adorable and fun Irish Wolfadoodle! This hybrid breed is a bit of a rarer one, so you may be unfamiliar with them. These large pups are incredibly friendly, though, and make fantastic pets for most people (provided you have a large enough home and yard for them). If a gentle giant of a dog who is incredibly clever and a touch stubborn sounds right up your alley,...
Huskydoodle (Husky & Poodle Mix): Info, Pictures, Care Guide & More
Click Below to Skip Ahead Hybrid breeds are the craze nowadays. People are mixing different breeds left and right, and it’s hard to keep track of them all. Doodle dogs, for example, combine one type of dog breed with a Poodle. A Huskydoodle is exactly what it sounds like. It is a cross between a Husky and a Poodle, creating a wild-eyed, fluffy-coated dog with tons of interesting quirks and personality traits. If you have recently seen someone advertise a litter of Huskydoodle puppies or you spotted one at a rescue or shelter, you...
Why Does My Dog Shake His Head? 8 Vet-Verified Reasons
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Head shaking is a natural reaction for dogs. They commonly do it if they have itchy ears or something in them. You might see dogs shaking their head when they have been in water because it will get rid of the water and clear the ear. However, it might also be caused by ear mites or other parasites, an infection of some sort, or even because of a neurological disorder, but that is rare and a...
Animal Shelters Lean into Olympics to Help Find Homes for Pets
The 2024 Summer Olympic Games are taking place in Paris, France, and U.S. animal shelters are coming up with ways to tie in the games to homeless animals. Animal shelters are overcrowded and are seeing an increase in intakes and a decrease in adopters. In hopes of caching the eye of more adopters, shelters are naming homeless pets after Olympic competitors and even hosting their own “Dog Olympics” to show off the adoptable pets. Shelter animals are all striving for the same goal – a forever home. Photo: Pixabay As people...
Birthday Treats, BarkBoxes, and Other Ways We Spend Money on Penny
Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. Did you know that the average American household spends around $770 per year on their pets?1 Of course, the majority of that is likely spent on necessities, such as food and vet care, but I would care to venture that some of that money is spent on simply spoiling our pets, and maybe even on things our pets don’t actually need. As dog owners, we just can’t help it. Our dogs are so cute and they love us so much, how could...
Human Violence and Pollution Threaten Louisiana’s Beloved Dolphins
The bottlenose dolphin, a symbol of the Gulf Coast’s vibrant marine life, faces grave threats in Louisiana. These threats range from habitat destruction and pollution to direct human violence. Recent studies and incidents have brought urgency to addressing these challenges. else the survival of these intelligent creatures may be in jeopardy. Photo: PexelsLouisiana’s bottlenose dolphins face extinction from a massive water diversion project. Impact of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion The proposed Mid-Barataria Sediment...
Should You Use Monistat for Your Dog’s Ear Infection? (No, Use This Instead!)
Ear infections in dogs are painful and uncomfortable. Some pet parents try to treat them with Monistat, but there’s a product that’s far superior and that supports total ear health. No dog parent wants to see their pooch in pain, but ear infections are a common issue dogs face that cause itching and discomfort. Some dog parents treat them with Monistat, which has others asking, “Does Monistat really work?” While Monistat can help with some ear infections in dogs, it’s not effective against all of them....
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Protecting kittens from feline panleukopenia, foster-to-adopt programs and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Essential strategies for protecting kittens from feline panleukopeniaJoin us on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 12PM PT / 3PM ET for the webcast “Protecting Kittens from Feline Panleukopenia: Essential Strategies for Animal Shelters and Rescues.” Animal shelter and rescue organizations across the country often struggle to protects cats and in particular kittens from the infectious diseases that tend to rise as kitten… Learn More Weekly Community...