Caged Tiger Is Finally Set Free After A Long Life Of Severe Abuse

Tsezar is finally enjoying his new lease on life at his new home, FELIDA Big Cat Sanctuary in the Netherlands. But until now, he did not have an easy life. Tsezar suffered for the majority of his life at a breeding facility in Ukraine. For years, he was used for intensive breeding, living under deplorable conditions, starved and abused. He was forced to live in a small cage and had nothing to eat but fish waste, and barely had clean water to drink. Photo: YouTube/FOUR PAWS International The owner of the facility eventually abandoned it, and...

    Posted On: Nov 1, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Whale Shark Swims Up To Boat And Gives Dog A Kiss

They sometimes say that curiosity killed the cat. According to a whale shark, sometimes curiosity can also get you a kiss. This became evident when Jade Pursell was off the coast of Australia with a friend to do some diving. A whale shark swam up to the boat for a closer look. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Although the whale shark did not come near them in the water, it did swim over to the 12-foot boat and got the curiosity of an animal onboard. It was their eight-year-old Labrador retriever. For a moment, the Labrador retriever exchanged an...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Golden Retriever Loves Napping On The Washing Machines At The Laundromat

I think that all of us have our favorite place to curl up and take a nap on occasion. Perhaps you enjoy putting your feet up in your favorite recliner or maybe, you just open the window and take a nap so you can hear the outside noise. Although we all likely have our own favorites, there is nothing like what we see at the Larkin Street Laundry. If you happen to go into that laundromat, you are likely to see a golden retriever doing something that golden retrievers do best. He would be taking a nap. Photo: Max Pixel Cody the Golden retriever...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Owner Creates Heated Bike Basket For Cat To Go On Rides

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean we should discount cats. Despite the stereotype of cats being aloof and disinterested in human interactions, there are some felines out there who crave adventure. If you check Instagram or other social media platforms, you’re bound to find plenty of examples of adventurous felines exploring the great outdoors with their human companions. Photo: Pixabay/Javon Thorpe One man, Adam, enjoys taking bike rides. But he doesn’t ride alone. As seen in his Instagram post, he...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Dogs Panic And Attempt To “Save” Owner Who Swung On Rope Swing Into The Lake

Dogs are often called man’s best friend, a title that is well-deserved. It is often our dogs who display a sense of protection and concern for us whenever they perceive us to be in danger. It’s a sweet trait that we often see exemplified in social media videos where dog owners trick their pooches into thinking there is something wrong as a means of testing their loyalty. More often than not, these dogs will rise to the occasion and show just how much they care. Photo: Pixabay/Joshua Choate But sometimes these videos aren’t...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Good Samaritan Rescues Pit Bull From Abandoned School

There was a stray pit bull who’d been abandoned and found himself living inside an abandoned school. Luckily for the stray dog, help was about to arrive after a Good Samaritan noticed his howls coming from the abandoned building and chose to get in touch with the Stray Rescue of St. Louis. The rescue organization was quick on the case, knowing that they needed to help the stray dog. Rescuers Donna, Natalie, and Scott from Stray Rescue were the ones to show up to the site, ready to rescue the dog in need. It didn’t take them long...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Dog Patiently Waits For The Ice Cream Truck So She Can Get A Treat

Dogs are so smart. We don’t give them enough credit for being intelligent creatures with a lot of patience and a lot of kindness. Anyone who has ever had the privilege of having a dog as a pet knows that they can have quite impressive manners. They will wait patiently for something that they want. It’s quite cute to witness. The cuteness factor is overwhelming with Luna, a very clever border collie living in Belgium. This smart girl has already figured out the schedule and sound of the neighborhood ice cream truck. Photo:...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Dog Gets Adopted Into Loving Home After Years Of Neglect

Delilah was a horribly neglected little dog who was forcibly surrendered to her local shelter. The tiny dog was scared when she first arrived – quite understandable given that all she knew in her life was indifference. She was also an older pup, so she was brought to the care of the nonprofit, The Mr. Mo Project. The rescue, run by Chris and Mariesa Hughes of Clifton Park, New York, has seen its fair share of older dogs over the years. However, nothing prepared Chris and Mariesa for what they were about to witness. Poor little Delilah...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Talented Cat That Lives In A Rock Climbing Gym Can Scale The Walls With Ease

You might be cool, but you’ll never be as cool as a cat. Let’s be honest, felines just have an air about them that radiates confidence and coolness, and they know it too, which is why they will often be little show-offs – flaunting their natural abilities in our faces. Like climbing. Cats are naturally agile, making them excellent climbers. Often times they will be able to climb things in a way that makes it look so effortless. Photo: Pixabay/aruggeri Take Lalah, for example. This little feline is a bouldering genius. For...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details

Dog Rescued From The Side Of The Road Can’t Stop Smiling

Have you ever been in a situation that looked bleak only for things to turn around and work out in your favor? I bet we’ve all had at least one instance like that. It usually leads to a huge feeling of relief that leaves us feeling giddy because we know that the nightmare situation is over. The same can sometimes happen for our animals – particularly, for stray animals who find themselves leaving behind really awful situations. While they can’t vocalize it the same way as humans, it is still quite clear by their behavior...

    Posted On: Oct 31, 2021 | Category: ArticlesView Details