Don’t miss these open and inclusive resources on Maddie’s Pet Forum
With just under four weeks left of the Open Arms Challenge, we hope participating organizations are hitting their stride! But, if you could use a little encouragement, look no further than the Open Arms Challenge group on Maddie’s® Pet Forum. (Even if you are not participating, you may want to join the group to help others!) One way to be more open and inclusive is offering your different materials (adoption application, signage in your lobby, return to home flyers) in multiple languages. Frances Alford, Director of Its...
Couple Takes In Dogs Nearing The End Of Their Lives & Shows Them Unconditional Love
Michele and Jeff Allen are a couple with hearts of gold who spend their time doing something amazing for dogs who are nearing the end of their lives. Their house, which is on six acres in Southampton, New Jersey, is home to dozens of dogs who need a place to live out their final days in peace. Photo: YouTube/Humankind At the Allens’ house, these dogs are allowed on all of the furniture, including their own toddler beds, and pretty much have no rules. They are cuddled by kind volunteers and get to play outside near a pond. They get...
Tornadoes Flattened Her House, But Kentucky ‘Miracle’ Dog Survives Unharmed
When tornadoes flattened her home in Mayfield, Kentucky, Molly Hughes was at work, which saved her from the deadly storms. But Molly’s beloved dog, Sally, wasn’t so lucky. While Hughes worked her shift at a nearby Waffle House, her dog waited at home, which lay directly in the tornadoes’ path. “My first thought was ‘I have to get to my dog,’” Molly told WPSD Local 6. “I kept thinking ‘I have to get my dog out.’ Photo: Greater Good Charities Molly jumped in her truck and raced back to...
Rescue Dog Goes From Scared and Confused to an Avid Canine Traveler
This story has been shared as part of the Fur Fam Story Contest. Submissions were accepted through December 5th. Voting will run from December 6th through December 31st. Three grand prize winners will receive a $500 prize, plus $2000 in cash and supplies for their favorite shelter. See all the stories here! Cheston was born in Texas and rescued through Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue. We adopted him May 1st, 2021 and ended up with a dog that needed a lot of confidence. He was scared of everything and really didn’t know how to be a dog. The...
Students Shocked When Talking Crow Lands In Their Classroom To Chat
When you think of talking birds, parrots probably come to mind. But parrots apparently aren’t the only birds with linguistic abilities. Students in Grants Pass, Oregon, learned this first-hand when a fast-talking crow dropped by their fifth-grade classroom to chat. “This crow showed up at our school just out of the blue one morning,” one of the school’s education assistants, Naomi Imel, told The Oregonian/Oregon Live. Imel recalled how the crow began poking his head into rooms and pecking on doors before hopping into...
Missouri Community Rescues Horses Trapped In Collapsed Barn After Tornado Tore Through Area
Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee were hit by deadly tornadoes over the weekend. Over 70 people were killed in Kentucky alone. Communities are coming together to dig through the rubble to find survivors after the powerful storms leveled homes and businesses. Firefighters, EMS crews, veterinarians, and residents in St. Charles County, Missouri, rushed to help horses trapped in a collapsed barn. Photo: Facebook/New Melle Fire Protection District “It was confirmed that 5 horses were in the barn and 4 of...
Not All Pets’ Owners Have Cars. These Free Pet Ambulances Will Get Them to the Vet
For years, the nonprofit Lollypop Farm in Rochester, New York, has been transporting owned pets to the vet when their owners otherwise had no way to get them there. Until recently, they’ve been doing it on an ad hoc basis. A few months ago, the organization decided to make this an official service offered to the community. Funding comes out of the operations budget as part of the HOME program, a whole panel of services and resources to help keep pets and people together like a pet pantry and behavioral helpline. “This...
Chiropractic care for canine anxiety
We usually think of chiropractic care in terms of relieving pain in our dogs, but it can also have a positive effect on canine anxiety. Anxiety is your dog’s response to stress. Happiness, on the other hand, is not just a warm puppy, as the old saying goes – but a warm puppy with a normal nervous system. This article looks at how displacements in a dog’s vertebrae can affect his nervous system and contribute to anxiety; and also how chiropractic care can correct the problem. How does anxiety arise from vertebral...
Holiday Foliage Safety Facts
Green and red are definitely the go-to colors during the holidays. But which holiday plants are safe to mingle with your dog? (For other pets, check ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.) Dr. Lee assesses these popular holiday decorations: Poinsettias: Dr. Lee says, “They are not poisonous to dogs. The milky sap when you break open a leaf may cause a little bit of irritation if ingested, but it is not going to be a big deal.” Mistletoe: “It can potentially be poisonous, but rarely results in any heart arrhythmias. If ingested,...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Behavior survey, pet rental fees and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. 10 questions to ask when developing a marketing strategy plan for your animal organizationDoes your organization have a marketing strategy plan? Marketing is an essential part of any organization, but coming up with a strategy can feel daunting for many. Whether you’re starting from scratch or just want to give your current plan a little lift, we’ve got you covered. Below are ten questions you’ll want to ask… Learn More Survey: Behavior...