Rescuers Brave Fighting To Free Lonely Lion From Ukraine’s War
Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, often with their beloved pets in tow. But many larger animals, particularly wildlife, can’t be easily evacuated or carried to safety. A lonely lion named Mir was one of those unlucky animals trapped in Ukraine since Russia’s brutal invasion began. Photo: Warriors of Wildlife Thankfully, a Ukrainian rescue group called Warriors of Wildlife (WOW) learned about Mir’s plight and–with support from Greater Good Charities and The...
Cat Abandoned When Her Owner Goes to Jail, Finally Finds Forever Home
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! I had been desperate for a cat of my own since moving out of my parents’ house, but my apartment was nominally pet-unfriendly. Others in the building had dogs, and the landlord didn’t care, but the clause in my lease against pets meant most shelters were understandably leery. Then I found a woman working with a city shelter who was willing to loophole me through and said she...
Pet Homelessness Shouldn’t Be Happening: Here’s How Companies and Individuals Can Help
Despite Americans’ overall affection for pets, the reality is that at any given time nearly 48 million cats and dogs don’t have a home in the U.S. For years, workers and volunteers at animal shelters have faced an uphill battle as they selflessly combat pet homelessness. At the forefront of this massive challenge is Dr. Ellen Jefferson, an animal welfare advocate, longtime pet shelter veterinarian, and president and CEO of the Texas animal shelter Austin Pets Alive. TriplePundit spoke with Dr. Jefferson from her office...
Animal shelters warn of a looming crisis and call on Americans to help
As we enter the third year of the coronavirus pandemic, a “perfect storm of factors” has put pressure on understaffed U.S. shelters. When the onset of the coronavirus pandemic forced animal shelters across the country to close their doors, Americans answered the desperate calls for help by adopting and fostering pets. Now as we head into the third year of the pandemic, a new crisis looms — so rescue advocates are hoping Americans will step up to help once again. Source: Human Animal Support...
Great Hornbill With Skin Cancer Underwent Surgery And Was Saved By A 3D-Printed Beak Implant
A 25-year-old Great Indian Hornbill, adorably called Crescent, was diagnosed with skin cancer recently, and the folks at ZooTampa were able to save its life with the use of modern technology. Take a look at Crescent back in October 2021 in ZooTampa’s Instagram post below. According to the caregivers at ZooTampa, they noticed a lesion on the large bird, located at the base of her casque, a bony helmet-like extension on the head of the bird. The veterinarians at the zoo said that the lesion might be a condition called squamous cell...
Myths about raw food diet for dogs and cats
Rumors about raw food are rampant. Let’s set the facts straight by looking at five common falsehoods about feeding dogs and cats a raw food diet. Raw feeding isn’t new – but it’s still not widely understood. Many people remain wary about offering their dogs and cats a raw diet due to the volume of misleading information that’s been shared over the years. In this blog, we’ll debunk a few of the common myths about raw food for pets and look at why this dietary option is actually one of the most nutritionally...
How to Teach Your Dog to Skateboard
Why skateboarding? Learning any new trick is fun for both you and your dog and increases your bond. Plus, skateboarding teaches balance and confidence, and whose dog couldn’t use more of that? Skateboarding is also a great training example of splitting behaviors and then chaining them all together. Think of splitting like all the ingredients in a recipe. Chaining is then like combining the ingredients together sequentially to create a finished outcome of ability that cannot only be repeated, but is something your dog chooses to repeat...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Free tools, shorter lengths of stay, and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. 6 free tools for your animal welfare organizationWhen you’re trying to keep people and pets together, the power of free resources can be significant. From marketing to project management and media pitching, a quick Google search will help you find a variety of free options that work for your organization. Below are just a handful of examples that can help you work… Learn More Jacksonville Humane Society’s whole-shelter approach to shortening...
Florida K9 Officer Saves Dog Stuck In Canal
The Palm Bay Police Department received a call from a concerned citizen on the morning of March 23 telling them that a dog was stuck in the mud in a canal off Minton Road. When the officers arrived at the scene, they saw and confirmed that a golden retriever was stuck and appeared to be “unable to free itself” a few feet away from the edge of the canal. According to their Facebook post, K9 Officer Carrol was the one to rescue the dog and stated that the water was cold that morning and that the dog must have been there for some...
With Patience and Encouragement, Skittish Feral Cat Becomes ‘Source of Love’
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! “I’ve caught another cat,” announces my friend who sets a live-trap for possums raiding his chook pen. “Domestic or feral?” “Looks pretty wild to me.” “Female or male?” “Male, probably – it’s pretty big.” I sigh. “Bring it over, then.” CAT. PHOTO: PIXABAY / 4ME2DESIGN When they show up, I see a huge,...