Take the EnduraPet Challenge Today!
EnduraPet wants to challenge you to take a proactive approach to your dog’s or cat’s health. EnduraPet’s four-step challenge makes it easy for animal guardians to see the effectiveness of their Multi-Immune Combo Pack, supplements that support the overall health and well-being of your fur baby. EnduraPet is a holistic pet wellness company that makes health products that improve the lives of dogs and cats. Their challenge is simple: feed your fur baby their Multi-Immune Combo Pack for six months and be impressed. That’s...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Grassroots marketing, Weekly Community Conversations, and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. How your animal organization can increase adoption rates, fundraising efforts and moreThis is a follow up to the blog post shared a few weeks ago, How your animal organization can better connect with the community it supports. In a recent post, Elijah Brice-Middleton, Executive Director of Plainfield Area Humane Society (PAHS) in New Jersey, shared how grassroots marketing can help your animal organization better connect with… Learn More Take a look at...
Man Rescues Baby Squirrel And Now The Squirrel Won’t Leave
There have been many interesting pets that people have enjoyed over the years. Most people consider a dog or a cat to be about as far as they will go but I’ve heard of people raising everything else, from pet skunks to pet snakes, and almost anything in between. Perhaps one of the more interesting pets that we hear about from time to time is a pet squirrel. I know a little bit about the subject because I had a pet squirrel growing up and it was an amazing animal. It seems as if a man from New York City also had a pet squirrel, and they...
How A Clever Dog Helped The FBI Catch America’s Most Wanted Man
If you happen to have a dog in your life, you realize they are capable of doing some amazing things. It’s one of the reasons we love having them around because they are a constant source of amazement. We also realize that dogs are capable of more than being man’s best friend, they can also help mankind in general. That is what one dog has been able to do, thanks to its efforts to track down Rafael Caro Quintero, one of the most infamous druglords in Mexico. Photo: flickr/Federal Bureau of Investigation According to 9News, Max is a...
Twitter Account Showcases Photos Of Cats Hard At Work And People Can’t Get Enough
Cats are notorious for lounging around and being somewhat aloof. However, cat owners around the world recognize that they’re not all lazy! In fact, there’s a whole Twitter account dedicated to cats working called Cats with Jobs (@catworkers). pic.twitter.com/10ElC95pIN — cats with jobs (@CatWorkers) August 24, 2022 The account features photos submitted by owners and found by the account owner of cats hard at work at various jobs. Of course, the cats aren’t actually working jobs but it sure looks like they are! Some are...
Vet Cuddles With Rescue Fox After A Long Day At Work
Being a veterinarian is a tough job. It’s labor-intensive and can be emotionally taxing as well. What better way to end a long day at work than with some fox cuddles? Senior veterinarian Ana Lapaz-Mendez with Medivet Carpenders Park in England was working at the clinic when a wild fox was admitted to her care. Photo: flickr/Tambako The Jaguar The poor thing had been hit by a car and had two broken legs. According to ViralHog, as Ana worked on the fox, who she named Pumpkin, she discovered she was also blind. Dealing with wild animals...
Can You Find The Cat Hidden Among The Stuffed Animals?
Most people love a good brain teaser and they’re even better when they involve adorable pets! A TikTok user and mom to 6 cats, Gosia, shared a now-viral video on the app that featured her precious feline Larry and doubled as a brain teaser. Photo: flickr/Enrico Larry lives with his mama, along with four white cats and a hairless cat. “When your landlord is coming for an inspection and doesn’t allow pets. Can you see Larry?” their owner wrote in the clip. Photo: TikTok/@5crazycats In the video, you can see a pile of...
Dog was Found Guilty of Being a Cupcake Thief. Watch How She was Caught on Act
Dogs can show incredible skills that they learn from training or it’s from their natural instincts. Especially regarding food, dogs know how to get one when they see one. Even in a human house, canines can find a way to get a taste of the food that catches their attention. That’s why it’s a must to pet-proof the house, especially the kitchen. Your dog might eat something that might trigger allergies. Keep human food away from them as high and far as you can. Photo: Pixabay/DesignNPrint However, a cupcake thief mystery was...
This Bird’s Evil Villain Laugh is so Contagious that It Spreads Happiness to their Family
A home is a place where your troubles should be relieved — a place where you’re comforted after a long day. The house becomes homier when surrounded by people and things you love, and it should serve as your safe space where your heart feels at peace. Your home should be showered with happiness and laughter — creating an ambiance that is good for the body, mind, and soul. Photo: Youtube/The Dodo Pets can be a good source of joy at home. That is why most families adopt a pet — the home feels more complete with their...
Interesting Facts About One of the Ocean’s Smartest Animals: Sea Otters
Sea otters are a popular marine mammal, with live camera feeds and plush toys aplenty. This adorable species has been slowly recovering after their population dipped dangerously low due to demand for their fur. This is good news, as sea otters are truly a unique breed that benefits our environment. Here are some interesting tidbits about them. They’ve Used Tools for at Least Thousands of Years PHOTO: ADOBE STOCK / DAVID MCGOWEN One of an otter’s favorite treats is delectable seafood contained within shells. To access this food,...