Chabrador Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Click Below to Skip Ahead The Chabrador is a mixed breed that combines the Chow Chow and the Labrador Retriever dog breeds. It is a loyal and loving breed that will form close bonds with family members and loved ones. They do require a moderate amount of exercise, but as long as you can meet these needs, the Chabrador will typically do well living in an apartment, although will benefit from the additional room provided by an outdoor yard or garden area. However, depending on the individual dog, a Chabrador might exhibit traits like...
Australian Silky Terrier Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Click Below to Skip Ahead The Australian Silky Terrier is a charming purebred dog. This compact dog has a big personality, and people love them for their bright and playful approach to life. It’s no surprise that this spirited breed often makes life more fun and exciting for the people around them. Australian Silky Terriers are adaptable and resilient, making them wonderful companion pets for many kinds of people. Breed Overview Height: 9–10 inches Weight: 9–11 pounds Lifespan: 13–15 years Colors: Black, blue, gray,...
Holistic Remedies for Motion Sickness in Dogs
If your dog struggles with motion sickness, they’re not alone. It isn’t just about car rides; some dogs experience discomfort on boats or even during short walks. Motion sickness in dogs is a complex issue involving the inner ear, vision, and sometimes anxiety. Recognizing the signs — drooling, whining, vomiting, or excessive lip-licking — is the first step in helping your four-legged companion. Holistic Approach: Treating the Whole Dog, Not Just Symptoms When we talk about a holistic approach, we’re looking at...
Build Stronger Bonds with Your Dog or Cat by Understanding Their Motivations
Understanding our companion animal’s behavior goes beyond the surface level of naughty or nice. Every motivation has a physical, psychological, and energetic component. By observing and identifying these components, you can better understand the underlying causes of their behaviors and address them more effectively. An Animal’s Motivations Are Multi-Faceted Dogs and cats have complex motivations driving their actions. These motivations can be rooted in physical needs, psychological states, or energetic imbalances. For instance, a...
French Bull Rat Terrier Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Click Below to Skip Ahead If you live in a smaller space but still want a dog, you’ll find dozens of smaller breeds available to choose from. However, if you’re looking for a small dog that’s playful, affectionate, occasionally hyperactive, and adorable, we recommend the French Bull Rat Terrier. This hybrid dog breed has only been around for a few years, so they are a bit on the rarer side, but they make loyal, steadfast companions for the right people. Before you adopt any dog, though, you should know as much as possible...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Shelter Animals Count mid-year report, engaging pet fosters and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. New research shows how to best engage more diverse communities in the pet fostering process Is your animal organization trying to reach a more diverse audience for pet foster care? Research published by the pet product retailer, Chewy, found pet fostering has increased by 17% over the past year, with 8% of U.S. households fostering pets (HumanePro, 2022). However, little research has addressed… Learn More Shelter Animals Count releases 2024 mid-year...
IVDD In French Bulldogs: Signs, Causes, Diagnosis, Care & FAQ (Vet Answer)
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead IVDD is a common condition in French Bulldogs. It stands for “intervertebral disc disease.” Frenchies are the second most common dog breed impacted by this condition, after Dachshunds. You might be interested in this disease if you’re considering a pet Frenchie or your pet is currently experiencing spinal problems. We’ll discuss why French Bulldogs are so prone to this...
10 Common Dachshund Teeth Problems: Vet-Explained Causes, Signs & Prevention
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead We love Dachshunds for their fiery personalities and doleful eyes. Animal care workers will tell you they can be a handful but only need some extra love to become putty in your hands. Taking good care of your Dachshund includes looking after their teeth; dental problems can be severe and painful. If you’ve noticed something wrong with your pup’s pearly whites, they may be dealing with...
Corgidor Mixed Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & More
Click Below to Skip Ahead The Corgidor is a mixed breed that combines the lively, working Corgi, with the doting, energetic Labrador Retriever. The resulting cross is a loyal, loving, and affectionate breed. The introduction of the Labrador can help to blunt the Corgi’s tendency for heel nipping and herding, while the combination of these two breeds means that the Corgidor should be relatively easy to train. While they won’t usually be aggressive, they are alert and watchful, and they will bark an alert if they see anything they...
Are Skinks Poisonous to Dogs? Vet-Verified Dangers, Toxicity & Effects
VET APPROVED The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research. Learn more » Click to Skip Ahead Skinks are reptiles that are commonly kept as pets. While many of them look exotic and have vibrant colors and unique features, most of them are harmless to dogs. They don’t secrete venom or have venomous bites, they are also not poisonous. So you usually don’t have to worry if your dog comes in contact with one. Of course, as with any animal bite, there can be some safety risks...