Friendly Dog Catches Amazon Delivery Driver Off Guard
The tale of the dog and the mailman is as old as time. Typically speaking, we are used to the myth of the dog and mailman being mortal enemies. But, in reality, that’s hardly the truth. Dogs are such friendly creatures it’s hard to imagine that they’d never like someone. There are plenty of videos out there on the internet that tend to prove that dogs and mail carriers are actually quite good friends. Photo: YouTube/ViralHog One such adorable video features a delivery driver who gets a surprise from a very friendly pooch....
The Beauty of Korat Cats and What to Know About Them
Ever heard of a Korat cat? A silvery-blue beauty hailing from Thailand, it is an ancient breed that appears in a book about cats as far back as Thailand’s Ayudhya period (1350-1767). In it, the Korat or Si-Sawat, as it’s also known, is described as a feline responsible for bringing good fortune. They were never sold, but a pair of them was considered a favored gift. Today’s modern Korats have roots stemming all the way back to Thailand. Oldest Cat Breeds There is a story about a pair of Korats named Nara and Darra that were...
Are You Good at Understanding Animals? It Could Be Because You’re More Empathetic
When you hear your cat or dog make a noise, do you think you have a good idea what they’re trying to tell you? A new study finds that if you do interpret animal sounds correctly, it could be because you’re more empathetic. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, ETH Zurich, and Agroscope recently examined how well people understood the emotions behind an animal’s vocalizations, and then looked for trends among the traits of successful participants. The findings, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, show...
The Wisdom of Gifting Pets to Kids and Whether You’re Up for the Challenge
Pet ownership comes with all sorts of rewards. Animals can bring love and joy into our lives and even contribute to our living longer, healthier lives. They are known for reducing stress and anxiety and for helping millions cope with emotional and physical setbacks through the use of service animals. Children can benefit greatly from pet ownership, too. Recent studies show kids with dogs are calmer and become less worrisome adults. But before getting a dog or cat for your kids, ask yourself whether you’re up for it. Photo:...
The History of the Cat Flap is Not Necessarily What You’d Think
We often associate inventions of convenience as having arrived in our lives no earlier than, say, the 1950s — especially those involving pets. Where our fur buddies are concerned, most of us probably assume nothing really life-changing came along in connection to them until perhaps the 1980s or later. Well, one of the most convenient inventions for pet owners came along far earlier than either of those decades. Photo: Pixabay/Nennieinszweidrei Cat Flaps Call them cat flaps or doggy doors, these scaled-down entrance/exit flaps for...
D.C. Council Votes Unanimously To Pass “Historic” Animal Rights Bill
Washington, D.C. is on the verge of updating their animal protection laws. The Animal Care and Control Omnibus Amendment Act passed both the first and second round of voting. It is the final stages of review and is being called a “historic” bill for addressing so many key issues regarding animal rights. The bill includes not one or two but seven important changes. When passed, the following will become law to protect animals in the area. Animal control vehicles will have lights and sirens they can use during life threatening...
Is Peanut Butter Good for Dogs?
Yes, dogs can have peanut butter. In fact, it can be a great incentive for dogs who are learning commands. You can give it as a bath time distraction or a “just-because-I-love-you” treat. Peanut butter is an unprocessed food; it’s essentially roasted peanuts ground into a thick paste. It’s a great source of protein, vitamins B6, B3 and E, and minerals such as manganese and copper. It also contains antioxidants and resveratrol. But, it’s nutrient dense. It’s high in calories with unbalanced omegas. It should...
The Work You Do Is Never Easy, and It’s Never Been More Important
[embedded content] Looking back at 2022, I can’t help but marvel at the resiliency, creativity, and determination of everyone working through what has been an extremely challenging time. The work you do is never easy, and it’s never been more important. We are so proud to have spent this last year standing beside our 21 pilot shelters, and the thousands of shelters, organizations, and individuals coming together through the Human Animal Support Services project to save animals’ lives, and keep families together. Thank...
Happy holidays from Maddie’s Fund
As 2022 comes to an end, we at Maddie’s Fund ® want to thank everyone involved in the animal well-being industry for all your hard work. Because of you, a mama cat got spayed and adopted. Because of you, a lost dog was reunited with their family. Because of you, a family fostered their first litter of kittens. Sometimes the work may seem overwhelming, but so many people have experienced the joy that pets bring because of your compassion and dedication. Pets and people together – that is what it is all about. Whatever you...
Here’s What’s Going to Happen to Your Cat When It Grows Up with a Bunny Sibling
A cat and rabbit may not look like a perfect match because of their demeanors. Both animals have similar traits, which may bring difficulties in making them friends. Although rabbits are friendly creatures, their personal space is still vital, just like felines. An interaction might rarely happen if both of them love their alone time — you’ll have to intervene whenever they get caught up in their own little worlds. Photo: Pexels/Helena Lopes However, this also depends if the bunny or cat is more extroverted and inquisitive. Once...