Rescue Dog Inca’s Past May Be a Mystery But His Future Can Be Yours

The Incan people are known for their historical contributions to religion, architecture, and complex road systems. Well, this Inca is a dog, so he has no use for any of those things. Well, that’s not entirely true. He does have use for the road systems since he’s looking for a ride out of PACC! Inca is one of Pima Animal Care Center’s longest-stay pups in Tucson, and he is ready to hit the road with you today! While his name conjures up images of ancient civilization and advanced culture, this handsome guy has plenty to...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Articles Dog Information The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

An Anti-Aging Pill is in the Works for Dogs! Could it Eventually Help Us?

One of the hardest parts of pet ownership is knowing that our fur babies will not live nearly as long as us. Each time we are faced with the loss of a beloved pet, it edges us a little bit closer to saying that we cannot take on another cuddle bug that we will have to say goodbye to before we’re ready. Losing animals can be just as hard for many people as losing a person because they truly are like our family. But that may be changing as scientists investigate a drug for longevity in dogs! Photo: Pixabay/PublicDomainPictures Loyal for...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Articles Dog Information The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Craft Beer Brings People and Pups Together

Second Chance Beer Company’s main motto is “Seize a Pint, Save a Pup.” That’s because this small, independent craft brewery in San Diego, California, is dedicated to helping rescue dogs. The brewery was co-created in 2015 by CEO Virginia Morrison and her husband, master brewer Marty Mendiola. Animal welfare is a big element of the company and something that the two are very passionate about. “When we talked about opening our own brewery, we knew giving back would be a large part of our ethos,” Virginia...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: ArticlesView Details

The ONLY Dog Treats Formulated for Your Dog’s Temperament (Try the Pet Health Assessment Today!)

Discover how Eastern Food Therapy and the right ‘temperature’ dog treats can improve your dog’s temperament and well-being. You already know how important it is to feed your dog clean food that’s right for the body. But what about food and treats that are right for your dog’s temperament? When you combine Eastern Food Therapy and modern nutrition science, you get food that balances and nourishes both! Eastern Food Therapy and Your Dog Eastern Food Therapy (EFT) is a 5,000-year-old approach to diet that uses food...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Animal Wellness Magazine InformationView Details

A Race Against Time to Save the Most Endangered Gorillas In The World

The Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli) is the most endangered of all gorillas, with only an estimated 300 individuals remaining in the wild, the World Wildlife Fund reports. The Cross River gorilla is found only in a small area spanning the border between Nigeria and Cameroon. According to the WWF, It is here that these gorillas are facing a number of threats that are driving them towards extinction. Photo: Adobe Stock / arenddehaasA young Cross River gorilla in its natural habitat, now threatened by deforestation and habitat loss...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

People, Pets, and Purpose: Michigan Humane’s Matt Pepper

[embedded content] “The solutions are coming from the people we are serving.” Diaz Dixon “My job is to surround myself with people who are better than I am.” Matt Pepper We are thrilled to introduce HASS’s brand new interview series: People, Pets, and Purpose!  Maddie’s® Advisor for External Affairs and Partnerships Diaz Dixon is in conversation with leaders in and out of animal welfare about building connections, finding solutions, and so much more. In this inaugural episode, Diaz talks with Matt...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Human Animal Support Services InformationView Details

Give Your Dog a Fresh Start with Fresh Food!

Pet parents often feel torn between feeding their dogs kibble and finding a fresh, convenient alternative. PawFoods creates wholesome, ready-to-serve meals that are healthy and delicious—a perfect balance between easy and nutritious! Given the choice between eating processed food pellets or freshly cooked meals every day, which would you choose? Likely, your dog would also make the same choice, but most people don’t have time to cook for themselves daily, let alone themselves and their dogs. Some pet parents instead go the route...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Animal Wellness Magazine Dog Information InformationView Details

Lovely Velveteen Hippo, Neveah, Needs Busting Out of Doggy Confinement Tout Suite!

A sweet, velvety lady named Neveah has had it with shelter life, and she needs somebody to bust her out tout suite! Let’s face it, none of us are getting any younger, and dogs’ lives are fast-tracked, to begin with. This chunky land manatee is a lovely older gal who found herself at PACC after her longtime home was no longer the best fit. It’s extremely sad, but there’s nothing to do but push forward. Here’s a list of Neveah’s many attributes mixed in with a smattering of statistics. Photo: Pima Animal Care...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Articles Dog Information The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Dog Undergoes Transformation After She’s Saved From The Most Squalid Conditions

Zuky was one of 23 dogs who were rescued from deplorable conditions at a house in Aguascalientes, Mexico. The Humane Society of the United States’ animal rescue team says it was some of the most squalid and filthy conditions they have ever witnessed. Photo: YouTube/HSUS Poor Zuky was in a dark room that wreaked of ammonia, surrounded by urine and feces. She was severely emaciated, dirty, and had severely matted fur. “When we went to that room for the first time, at the beginning when we opened the door, three of them came to me to...

    Posted On: Jan 18, 2023 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details

Dog “Wins” High School Relay Race After Breaking Loose And Joining The Meet

A pet dog broke loose from the crowd a won a high school relay race in Utah, stealing the crowd. According to Fox 29, the hilarious moment unfolded at the 2021 Grizzly Invitational in Logan, Utah. Photo: YouTube/Guardian Sport A video captured the moment and shows competitors racing the home stretch of a 4X200 meter relay race. Athlete Gracie Laney is taking the lead, and as she approaches the finish line the crowd erupts – but it’s not for her. It’s for the dog that unexpectedly joined the race behind her. The dog, Holly,...

    Posted On: Jan 17, 2023 | Category: Articles The Animal Rescue SiteView Details