Lion Joins Humans on a Bus and Gives the Warmest Welcome Hugs to His Visitors
Lions are famously known as predatory cats that rule over grassy lands. Every creature they preyed on trembled in their presence — the huge feline is a hunter no one should ever underestimate. Back in 1932 to 1947, there were records of humans from Tanzania who were eaten by lions. The predator became a threat to humanity as the killings went on for generations. But as time went on, and cities progressed, animals and humans lived separately, which capped the lion hunt. However terrifying, people must remember that not all wild cats...
TSA’s Instagram Shares ‘Cat-astrophe’ After Another Traveler Puts Pet Through X-Ray Screening
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently reminded flyers not to put their pets through x-ray screening as they go through security. Another person apparently didn’t get the memo, as the government agency has used social media to highlight the latest occurrence. TSA’s Instagram page recently shared an image from another such incident, calling it “the latest cat-astrophe at ORF Airport.” That’s in Norfolk, Virginia, where a traveler had neglected to take their cat out of their carrier ahead of the...
Benji Respectfully Wants to Know What the Hold Up is With His Adoption
“There was a foster that had a dog and Benji was his name, oh, B-E-N-J-I, B-E-N-J-I, B-E-N-J-I- and Benji was his name, oh!” Hi, my name is Benji, in case you didn’t catch that. I am a full-blooded Chocolate Lab who is 1.5 years old and comes in at a very healthy and fit weight of 85 pounds. I was surrendered to Desert Labrador Retriever Rescue in central Arizona due to my previous family not having the time to provide me with the proper exercise and socialization that I needed to be a very well-balanced boy. Photo: Desert...
New Cat Moms Share Mothering Duties with Their Two Litters
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! In January 2014, I lost my beloved cat, Scully, at the age of 17. I was completely devastated but knew that, when the time was right, I wanted to rescue two cats together to be part of my family. Then I heard the story of Maya and Luna. CATS. PHOTO: PIXABAY / GUNDULA VOGEL On February 25, 2014 (ironically World Spay Day), the Langley shelter received a call from someone saying that they...
Nonprofit, “My Grandfather’s Cat,” Celebrates 100th Adoption!
A 28-year-old Canadian woman who helps seniors rehome their pets has celebrated her 100th animal adoption! Angela Rafuse was inspired to create a charity benefitting seniors and their pets after her 85-year-old grandpa passed away before he could find a home for his cat, Mackenzie. None of his surviving relations had the ability to take the frightened calico in, so Angela made the decision to adopt the kitty herself. Photo: Pixabay/JosepMonter Seniors Living with Pets Angela moved back home to live with her parents in Halifax, Nova Scotia,...
Good News: Project Studying Endangered Creatures in Australia Tallied 29 Recovered Species!
Australia and the rest of the world have cause for celebration after it was announced that 29 species formerly listed as “endangered” Down Under have rebounded enough to be removed from the worrisome classification. This is excellent news proving that with proper conservation efforts animals heading toward extinction can make a comeback. Australia’s Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act lists 446 species of animals considered in genuine need of protection. The 29 that were removed from the list include 15...
Saving the Philippine Eagle: Immediate Action Needed to Protect Nesting Sites
The Philippine Eagle, also known as the monkey-eating eagle, is one of the largest and most majestic raptors in the world. With a wingspan of up to 7 feet and a weight of up to 14 pounds, it is a formidable predator that commands respect and admiration, One Earth reports. Endemic to the Philippines, this eagle is a symbol of national pride and an important part of the country’s cultural heritage, The Vulture Trip reports. However, despite its iconic status, the Philippine Eagle is in grave danger of extinction. Photo: Adobe Stock /...
Dog Flea, Tick and Mosquito Prevention
The most famous of all canine pests is the flea. Fleas are tiny insects that live on the blood of mammal hosts. The dog flea and the cat flea are the two most commonly seen on dogs, with the cat flea being much more prevalent. Fleas cause harm to dogs in a number of ways: Their bites often cause a strong reaction on the dog’s skin, resulting in irritation and itching. Fleas can spread diseases like tapeworm, typhus and even the plague. Transmission occurs by either their bite or by being ingested. Fleas can cause anemia, in severe...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: 2023 Shelter Summit, shelter programs survey and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Register now for the free Spring 2023 Shelter Summit!If you’re looking to create change at your shelter, but unsure on where to begin, Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse Spring 2023 Shelter Summit and Fast Tracks may be the opportunity you’re looking for. The half-day, live online summit on March 14, 2023 from 9AM PT – 12:30PM PT, will focus on five topics: Coordinated… Learn More Register now for My Dog is My...
A Reddit Video Gains the Attention of the Internet Due to the Hilarious Copycat Behavior of This Dog
In every generation, language evolves, and people keep adding various terms to the dictionary. New words are coined and eventually become widely used and can be easily understood by the masses. One of the most interesting words ever invented is copycat. The term means one who engages in the act of imitation — copying someone’s work or actions. Cat was said to be an insulting word back in medieval times. Then in 1887, the first record of the word copycat was written by Constance Cary Harrison in her memoir. It was used in the...