Two Thirsty Cobras were Ready to Attack, But This Man Still Bravely Showed Kindness
Climate change increases the Earth’s temperature bringing extreme heat, especially during the summer. Even the countries accustomed to hot weather are having a difficult time adjusting to the temperature rise. Animals are just as affected as humans. However, it’s more challenging for them because their water source dries up during extreme heat. Wild animals are more exhausted from finding shade or cold areas. Cooling down is vital for survival; otherwise, the animal could die from heatstroke. Summer is now a stressful season for...
The Refreshing and Inspiring Story of a Girl’s Lemonade Stand Raising Funds for Animal Rescue
During the summer, expect to see two or more lemonade stands in your area. Children are prepared to earn extra allowance during their vacation by selling refreshing drinks. It’s a great way to help kids learn the value of money and how to properly manage a business. Even when it’s only a small one and just for the summer, it’ll keep them motivated, especially when they have a target income. Sometimes the desire to sell more lemonade can be the start of a dream. A glass of lemon juice not only refreshes you from the hot...
How One Woman Turned Her Property – And Home – Into a Rescue That Has Saved Thousands of Lives
When pet owners get a few cats, they may joke that the furballs have completely taken over the house. For one woman, that actually did happen, and a few decades later, the house is a large rescue operation that has saved tens of thousands of lives. Lynea Lattanzio was living on six acres along a river in Parlier, California, when her father asked her for help finding new kittens after his senior cats had died. During the search, she went to a shelter, and ended up coming home with 15 abandoned kittens to foster. Within the year, this number...
Dog Abandoned on Porch for Weeks is Rescued in the Nick of Time
This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog! Your porch was my home. You’d always give me a little food and a head scratch and I truly loved you for that. I never asked for much. I’m a happy loyal girl. Then you stopped coming home… DOG. PHOTO: PIXABAY / ANDRE HART I waited for days, weeks, maybe longer. Since we live in the country, I caught a few rabbits to get by. When I got desperate, I knocked over the trash...
These Bonded Beauties Would Simply Adore a Home Together
Meet 1-year-old sisters Cardamom and Mélange, two incredibly sweet and distinctive kitties who find themselves in the unfortunate position of needing a home. While they would much prefer a loving family that would welcome them both, the Southern Arizona Cat Rescue, which happens to be fostering them in the meantime, says it’s preferable but not imperative. This is what they have to say about these bonded beauties: Photo: S. Arizona Cat Rescue Cardamom This beautiful girl is very sweet and a real purr bug. She loves getting pets,...
Clingy Cat Refuses To Leave His Human’s Side
If there is one thing we know about cats, it’s the fact that they each have their own personalities. Some will be cuddly and want to be close to you at all times; others will be more standoffish. If you happen to have a cat that loves being by your side, then you may have a feline like Meatball. That beefy cat absolutely loves his human, and wherever she goes, Meatball goes. Photo: YouTube/The Dodo According to The Dodo, Meatball’s human, Candace, has a real love of felines. Not only does she rescue cats, she also provides...
Plan a Dog-Friendly Easter if You’re a Pet Owner with Kids
It’s almost Easter, and it’s important to remember to practice good pet safety if you’re a dog owner. Over the decades, brightly colored plastic eggs have gained in popularity for their ability to hide small toys and candies. But plastic eggs with kids in mind can also be a temptation and potential danger for dogs due to those very same contents. Not only that, but dogs can also ingest broken plastic while getting to the goods inside. Unfortunately, those “goodies” are generally not good for dogs if consumed, and...
Cancer in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms and Advancement in Treatment
It’s a pet parent’s worst nightmare – you find a lump on your dog and immediately think cancer. While about half of dogs over the age of 10 develop cancer, it can be difficult to spot early signs. Early canine cancer signs and symptoms vary and can be the same as many other conditions or illnesses, explains Len Boyko, CEO, the Pet Cancer Foundation. However, the sooner you spot cancer, the better. In many cases with a specific cancer diagnosis there are effective treatments that can help your dog live a long life. Top six...
The Animals That Will Most Likely Provide Wisdom in a Deep and Enlightening Talk
Humans can already know if an animal is smart even when they don’t talk. Years of observation have led to countless discoveries of how much animals are mentally, emotionally, and physically intelligent. Although built differently, animals can learn and hone their skills. Sometimes, even without training, those talents show because it was naturally given to them. Animals are already amazing as they are, but what more if they can speak? Photo: Pexels/Erik Karits Talking animals have been portrayed in films and shows. Most of them are...
New Research Points to Native Americans Spreading Horses Across the West Before Europeans Arrived There
It’s long been understood that horses evolved in North America roughly 3-4 million years ago but that they disappeared from fossil records between 10,000 and 13,000 years ago. The theory is that between the last ice age and overhunting, the animals that didn’t hightail it across the Bering ice bridge went extinct. It wasn’t until 1519, when the Spanish arrived with them in Mexico, that they returned to the continent. Per a new paper published in the journal Science, Indigenous peoples then transported the animals north along...