Stray Dog That Was Painted Like A Tiger And Released Onto The Streets Sparks Outrage
There is anger circulating over a stray dog who was painted to look like a tiger. The pictures were captured and shared online. The poor dog was a stray, wandering around the city without a collar and his fur was bright orange with black striping. Following the release of the images on social media, one Malaysian animal rights group began appealing to the public for information about who might be responsible for the dog’s cruel paint job. The Persatuan Haiwan Malaysia – Malaysia Animal Association uploaded the pictures to their...
Lost Puppy Reunited With Family After Kidnappers Tossed Her From A Moving Car
The cruelty of some people is simply astonishing. According to the police in Idaho, a State Police Trooper traveling on Interstate 84 was flagged down by a woman with a very shocking claim. The woman told police that she had witnessed a puppy actually getting chucked out of the window of a moving vehicle! According to a news report, the woman wasn’t able to give any information about the driver or their car, but she did pull over in order to stay with the puppy until help arrived. Speaking about the incident, Idaho State Police Cpl....
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: How your animal welfare organization can aid in disaster response, providing additional community services and more!
Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week. As a reminder, we’ve created an emergency fostering and COVID-19 webpage that we are updating regularly as new resources become available. You’re also invited to join the Emergency fostering during the Covid-19/coronavirus pandemic group on Maddie’s® Pet Forum where you can ask questions, share resources and more. #HassInAction: Dallas Animal Services gets creative to provide additional services to their communityDallas...
Seniors Helping Seniors
In order to help both the senior people and the homeless senior pets of our community, the Irvine Animal Care Center’s Seniors Helping Seniors program waives adoption fees for individuals age 62 and older when they adopt a senior animal. (Please note that other costs, such as licensing fees, may still apply depending on the animal adopted.) Many of our senior pets came from a nice home environment and were relinquished because their owners could no longer care for them. The stress of shelter life is often quite difficult for senior...
Rehoming Your Pet
Rehoming your pet should be easy and stress free both for you and your pet. Our experts at, the largest non-profit pet adoption website, with support from The Petco Foundation, have created a simple, reliable, free program to help you place your pet from your loving home directly to another. How It Works Rehoming your pet should be easy and stress free both for you and your pet. Our experts at, the largest non-profit pet adoption website, with support from The Petco Foundation, have created a simple, reliable,...
People Are Turning Retro TVs Into Trendy Cat Beds
Flat-screen television sets are the norm now and we cannot even remember the last time we saw one with a larger back. Even those of us who do not consider ourselves to be rich might have multiple flat screens in our homes. That just leaves us with one problem that needs to be taken care of: what do we do with our old and played out television sets? Fortunately, we are here to provide you with the answers that you need, in a timely manner. There’s no need to throw that television away and there aren’t a lot of places that are...
People Are Getting Custom Beds With A Built-In Pup Porch
If we allowed it, our dog would sleep in our bed every single night. She doesn’t seem to understand that she already has one of her own. There’s also a distinct possibility that she knows all about it but does not care. She takes up most of the room in our bed, so I only let her sleep in there if my husband is away on business. Putting all of that to the side, it is time to talk about this problem in a more in-depth manner. How can we solve this issue? Fortunately, there is one custom furniture company that has seen fit to assist...
Did You Find Kittens?
DID YOU FIND KITTENS? Follow these steps so that everyone is a winner! WAIT! Don’t move the kittens just yet! If the kittens are in a safe location it’s very possible that mom is out looking for food or hiding nearby watching over them. The kittens are safest with their mom at least until they are eating on their own. WATCH! To keep the kittens safe, keep an eye on them but don’t get too close as this may scare mom away. She should return in about 4 to 6 hours to feed and care for her kittens. Kittens do not need to be with...
#HassInAction: Dallas Animal Services gets creative to provide additional services to their community
Dallas Animal Services (DAS), a Tier 1 pilot shelter in the Human Animal Support Services (HASS) coalition, has recently created a few exciting tools that shows HASS in action. In this guest post, Leah Backo, Public Information Coordinator, shares three HASS examples to spark some inspiration for other animal welfare organizations. Created a COVID-19 pet resource guide. DAS recently teamed up with other local organizations and put together this guide to help families who are struggling to care for their pets because of COVID-19. The...
How your animal welfare organization can aid in disaster response
As many communities across the nation face devastating impacts from wildfires, hurricanes and so much more, animal shelters and rescue organizations are working to help their communities and the displacement of pets. If you haven’t already done so, we recommend watching the webcast recording, A Shelter’s Role in Disaster Response, from 2018 with Dr. Elise Gingrich. In this webcast, Dr. Gingrich prompts you to analyze your organization’s level of preparedness, makes you aware of what you need to consider for...