Dog Baffled To Discover She Can Turns The Lights On And Off With Her Nose
Dogs are so adorable when they discover something interesting. And one precious pup was filmed discovering that she held the power to control light with the touch of her nose! The wholesome discovery was filmed on camera, and we can’t help but chuckle at how cute the pooch is when she going on a power trip with the light. It’s particularly cute when you stop and think about how foreign this concept must be to dogs. They don’t understand what lamps are or how they work, so it must be magical to them to see humans turning them...
Almost 400 Whales Die In Historic Mass Stranding Disaster Off Australian Coast
When we first wrote about 270 whales mysteriously stranded off the Australian island of Tasmania, rescuers knew the clock was ticking. Stranded whales have only days before their massive weight — which is usually buoyed by water — collapses upon them, causing fatal organ damage. “They end up being suffocated by the weight of their own bodies, which is why it’s an incredibly painful way to go,” Nicola Hodgins, from the UK’s Whale and Dolphin Conservation charity, told NBC News. But although dozens of whales...
Critically Endangered Crocodile Photographed With Dozens Of Babies On His Back
If you’re lucky enough, sometimes you can witness some truly incredible moments in nature. And wildlife photographer Dhritiman Mukherjee was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time in order to photograph a very rare moment in the National Chambal Sanctuary, in India. His show stopping photo is that of a freshwater gharial, which is a type of fish-eating crocodile, that is swimming through the murky waters with a bunch of its offspring along for the ride on its back. And it’s not just one or two little baby...
Toothless Chihuahua Helps Nervous Patients Relax While Getting Their Teeth Cleaned
There is only one thing worse than going to see the doctor, and that is going to see the dentist. Everyone hates the dentist. No matter how great your dental hygiene routine is, or how nice your dentist is, no one likes going to see the dentist. But some patients in California are getting the ultimate incentive to go for their six-month check-up. 13-year-old Kismet, a toothless little Chihuahua, has been brightening the lives of the patients who visit the Corte Madera Family Dentistry. According to CNN, the little senior pup brings plenty of...
Cat Raised By Shiba Inu Siblings Thinks He’s A Dog
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so perhaps that is what Kiki the cat is going for as she pretends to be just like her three Shiba Inu buddies: Saki, Ibuki, and Hazuki. The adorable little feline is an American Shorthair cat who lives in Japan alongside her family which includes the three canine siblings. While most cats will get along well with a dog and somewhat enjoy the company, Kiki takes it a step further. She doesn’t just hang out with the dogs, she also tries to be one! It is just too cute. In fact, the...
Learn about access to veterinary care from the expert himself, Dr. Blackwell
Now, more than ever, low income families are struggling to find access to veterinary care due to COVID-19. Learn more about this important topic from Access to Care expert and the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient, Dr. Michael J. Blackwell, in the recorded webcast, Access to Care: A National Family Crisis. In the webcast, Dr. Michael Blackwell, Director of the program at Pet Health Equity, and Dr. Susan Krebsbach, Assistant Director, discuss barriers to vet care that pet owners face. “The overwhelming barrier for all...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Dr. Michael Blackwell receives the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award, using technology to reunite lost pets with their families and more!
Below is a brief round-up of new blog posts and resources we’ve added over the past week. Meet the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award recipient!We’re thrilled to announce that the 2020 Avanzino Leadership Award goes to Dr. Michael J. Blackwell for his outstanding leadership and purposeful dedication to honor the human-animal bond. The award is named after Rich Avanzino, the father of the no-kill movement and Maddie’s Fund President from 1999 – 2015. This award recognizes significant achievement and… Learn...
Conservationists Help ‘Smiling’ Turtles Once Thought To Be Extinct Make A Comeback
It doesn’t matter how much we study nature, it has a way of surprising us on occasion. It happened recently when the Burmese roofed turtle (Batagur trivittata) did something totally unexpected. These turtles are one of the world’s most endangered and at one time, they were thought to be extinct. Eventually, they were rediscovered in the early 2000’s, and now they are making a comeback, thanks to a breeding program. Burmese roofed turtles were once plentiful in the rivers of Miramar but the exploitation of their eggs and...
Video Of A Chimpanzee Trying A Popsicle For The First Time Goes Viral
There are many things that we may take for granted but it is only because we can’t remember the first time that we tried them. If we were able to look back on those moments, we would have an even greater appreciation for the things that we have on a day-to-day basis. At times, we can enjoy this by living vicariously through others. That is exactly what we do when we see this 2018 video of Limbani the chimpanzee enjoying a strawberry popsicle. He was at home at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in Miami when the video was captured. Max...
A Rescue Goat And A Duck That Has Trouble Walking Become The Unlikeliest Of Friends
We hear about a number of different types of animal rescues but Goats of Anarchy (GOA) is dedicated to rehabilitating and rescuing goats with special needs. They own 30 acres of animal sanctuary in Hampton, New Jersey. That is where you will find a 7-month-old goat with a big heart, named Gigi. Gigi is well known for mothering some of the other goats on the property. She also happens to be close friends with Merlin, a duck that is not able to walk. When they rescued Merlin, they tried to help with splinting, a wheelchair, and prosthesis....