Solutions-Based Cat Food – Healing Your Cat from the Inside Out
Felines are notoriously fussy. Don’t get us wrong: we love them for their discerning natures. (Until you’ve been loved by a cat, have you ever really been loved?) The thing is though: if your cat is fussy, perhaps it’s their way of trying to tell you something? Yes, they may just be picky eaters, but it could also be that their food isn’t giving them what they need. This is especially true if your cat has special health needs. Which is why you might need to consider solutions-based cat food. What is Solutions-Based Cat...
How to Support Your Dog or Cat’s Gut Health
Find out why supporting your dog or cat’s gut health is one of the most important things you can do for his overall well-being. Integrative and holistic practitioners have long understood that gut health is the foundation of whole-body health for people and their dogs and cats. Mainstream medicine now also recognizes that the health status of the GI tract truly affects everything else in the body. This is why supporting your dog or cat’s gut health is so important to his overall well-being. “ALL DISEASE STARTS IN THE...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: National Access to Care Study survey, Camp Maddie and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Save the date! Join us in December for Camp MaddieCamp Maddie is a new learning series beginning with a virtual half-day foster edition on Thursday, December 7, 9am-1 pm PT (12 pm-4 pm ET). This event is free. At Camp Maddie, we will cover various topics in to-the-point presentations, panel discussions, strategy-sharing seminars, videos and question and answer sessions. Presenters will discuss breaking down barriers… Learn More On demand...
The Step-by-Step Guide to Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth
Your dog may not like it very much. You may dread it. But brushing your dog’s teeth is incredibly important to their overall health. (Not to mention your olfactory nerves.) Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing exactly that, complete with some innovative canine tooth brushing tools designed to take the bite out of your dog’s dental care routine. Why Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth Matters You know that doggy dental care is important. Your vet has told you this. You’ve seen the flyers. You’ve done the Googling. And...
Quality of Life Expectations for Dogs with Idiopathic Epilepsy
Receiving a diagnosis of a lifelong disease for your beloved canine companion can be a daunting and emotionally challenging experience. Case in point: idiopathic epilepsy. Coping with this diagnosis – and helping your dog live healthily and happily with the condition – is, however, very doable with the right approach. An approach which involves understanding the condition, managing symptoms, and ensuring your dog’s quality of life. Understanding Idiopathic Epilepsy Idiopathic epilepsy (IE), often referred to simply as...
The Healing Power of Cold Laser Therapy for Dogs
“The power of light is always bigger than the power of darkness.” Maharishi Mahesh Yogi may not have been speaking about the photon light used in laser therapy here, but he might as well have been! With more than 8,000 clinical studies producing positive proof of its power to reduce pain and inflammation, and hasten healing, low-level cold laser therapy takes healing for pets to the next level. Read on for all the reasons cold laser therapy for dogs and cats might be your best friend’s new best friend. There is nothing quite...
3 Reasons Why Being in Nature Is Good for Your Dog
Spending time in nature with your dog enhances physical health and mental well-being for both of you, while strengthening your bond of love and companionship. There’s a reason your dog loves the outdoors. And it’s not just because of all the exciting smells, although that’s certainly a part of it. Like humans, dogs need to spend time in nature, for their physical health and their mental and emotional wellness. This article looks at how regular outings in natural areas benefit your dog in three important ways. 1. NATURE...
3 Big Benefits of CBD Oil for Senior Dogs
If you’ve ever had the honor of being a pet parent to a senior dog you’ll know that elderly pooches are a lot like fine wine. They get better with age. Their muzzles may be whiter, their joints may be creakier, but their love and unfailing sixth sense of when to give you comfort when you need it most is infallible. But creak their joints do. And all too often we see our aging pups in pain, confused, or unable to live life comfortably. Fortunately, there are ways to improve their lives and longevity. Case in point: CBD oil for...
Save the Date: Join us in December for Camp Maddie!
Camp Maddie is a new learning series beginning with a virtual half-day foster edition on Thursday, December 7, 9am-1 pm PT (12 pm-4 pm ET). This event is free. At Camp Maddie, we will cover various topics in to-the-point presentations, panel discussions, strategy-sharing seminars, videos and question and answer sessions. Presenters will discuss breaking down barriers in the foster field, how they recruit foster caregivers and provide insight into strategies they use to make fostering accessible in their communities. This event is...
Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: TNR Resource Drive, examining the relationship between BIPOC communities and their pets and more!
Happy Tuesday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Maddie’s Insights: Examining the relationship between BIPOC communities and their petsJoin Catherine Kisavi-Atatah Ph.D. on October 12, 2023 at 12:00PM PT/3:00PM ET for Examining the Relationship between BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, And People of Color) Communities and Their Companion Animals. In the latest Maddie’s® Insights installment, Dr. Kisavi-Atatah will share the findings of her study of the same name. This study explored the relationship...