Maddie’s Weekly Roundup: Online Instructor-Led Courses, resources and more!
Happy Monday! Below is a brief roundup of resources added over the past week. Apply now: Maddie’s® Online Instructor-Led CoursesMaddie’s Fund® Online Instructor-Led Courses provide an interactive educational opportunity for those who are looking to benefit from the wisdom of established innovative programs. They’re the catalyst you need to take your programs and learning to the next level! Class size is limited and the selection process is competitive. View courses Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion resources...
Skip the Processing, Feed Your Pets a Living Food Nutrient-Rich Diet
Like most humans, pets often lack essential nutrients in their foods. Each year, hundreds of dollars are spent on expensive processed foods that are filled with preservatives and nutrient replacers. Why not provide your pets with the high-quality living food they deserve? Supplement your pet’s regular food regimen with healthy, nutrient-dense grass and sprouts or microgreens. Your cats, dogs and birds will love you for it! Living Foods Encourage Healthy Body Function in Animals What are living foods? They are foods containing living...
Tips for Responsibly Giving Rescue Pets as Gifts According to a Pro
Do you know someone who would like to welcome a pet into their home? Maybe you’re thinking about gifting them one for Christmas. In a recent article in People, Deb Fair, the executive director of the PEDIGREE Foundation, offered her advice on the most responsible way to gift a rescue pet this holiday season. Gifting Rescue Pets for the Right Reason First off, before we get into her advice, be sure they really want one and you’re not considering it because you feel they want or need one. An animal is not a toy or a gizmo you...
Man Makes Short but Sweet YouTube Video Featuring a List of His Dog’s Favorite Things
A man named Scott, who started a YouTube channel called biggietheshepherd, has created a short featuring his dog Biggie’s favorite things, and it couldn’t be more fun. Biggie came into Scott’s life unexpectedly, and they’ve been best buds ever since, with Scott saying he’d never experienced a bond with a dog like this before Biggie came along. Photo: YouTube/@biggietheshepherd6642 Biggie’s Favorite Things Set to the Austin Powers’ theme music, aka Quincy Jones & His Orchestra’s Soul Bossa...
Tinsel Accounts for More Veterinarian Visits During the Holidays than Almost Any Other Reason
You’ve likely already read a number of articles on tips for keeping pets safe at Christmas, but did you know strings of tinsel ingested by cats and small dogs account for more veterinarian visits at the holidays than almost any other reason? Yes, tinsel, a holiday favorite for decorating Christmas trees everywhere. The reason it’s so harmful is that it can cause bowel obstruction in pets, and cats are particularly fond of it. Photo: Pixabay/suju-foto Cats and Tinsel According to the Pet Poison Helpline, tinsel is a common cause of...
Gold Medal Winner, Luke, is a Work in Progress While He Awaits His Forever Home
There is no rhyme or reason why some dogs end up in shelters and rescues. We just have to accept the fact that it happens and pray that they find forever homes sooner rather than later. But part of the problem is that a lot of folks don’t take into consideration the fit of the animal they’re bringing home. And by fit, we mean does the breed’s temperament and needs match your own? Are they a good fit for you and your lifestyle? Chocolate Lab Enter Luke, aka Chocolate Chip, who is looking for his forever home. He’s a...
Periodontal disease: the top 3 early signs in dogs
The beginning signs of periodontal disease in dogs can start as early as the age of three. Good oral health is crucial for the overall health of your dog. Having poor oral health can lead your dog to have serious heart, liver and kidney problems, along with eye issues and oral cancer. Are you unsure if your dog is exhibiting signs of periodontal disease? Here are the top 3 early signs to watch out for: 1) Bad Breath Bad breath means that there are too many bad bacteria in your dog’s mouth as a result of a build-up of tartar, which...
Nail Care for Cats
If your cat’s claws get too long, it can cause problems ranging from injury to infection. Regular nail care keeps her comfortable and helps prevent scratches. by Nadia Ali People often bite their fingernails — some occasionally, some out of habit, and some obsessively. Cats do the same thing. You may have seen your own kitty chewing away at her claws as if she’s a professional manicurist. There are reasons why she does this, some that are normal and some that aren’t. Either way, it’s a reminder that proper nail...
Dog in Horrific Condition Cries After Receiving Sustenance for the First Time in Weeks, but a Happy Ending Was Waiting for Him
After weeks of laying near a fence too weak to move, a sweet dog in horrific condition literally cried in relief after being offered water and food. This is the kind of stuff that makes you want to cry yourself but thank goodness for happy endings! According to the video overlay, neighbors claimed the animal had been lying there for three weeks, trying to stay out of the sun’s glare. They also said that occasionally the owner would provide the dog with some food. Covered in ticks, the poor pup tried to struggle to an upright position...
Two Incredibly Sweet Puppies Assisted by Feral Cat Colony Rescued in Ukraine
Surrogates in the animal world are not at all unusual. You never know when a momma with young of her own will take in animals that are not theirs or even of another species. Sometimes, they don’t even have to have a current litter or clutch to decide to help. You see these odd pairings in the news all the time, and they frequently melt your heart for the kindness and compassion they show. If only more humans could be so lacking in bias and judgment when it comes to those that are different or in need, but that’s a whole other...