The Wisdom of Gifting Pets to Kids and Whether You’re Up for the Challenge
Pet ownership comes with all sorts of rewards. Animals can bring love and joy into our lives and even contribute to our living longer, healthier lives. They are known for reducing stress and anxiety and for helping millions cope with emotional and physical setbacks through the use of service animals. Children can benefit greatly from pet ownership, too. Recent studies show kids with dogs are calmer and become less worrisome adults. But before getting a dog or cat for your kids, ask yourself whether you’re up for it. Photo:...
The History of the Cat Flap is Not Necessarily What You’d Think
We often associate inventions of convenience as having arrived in our lives no earlier than, say, the 1950s — especially those involving pets. Where our fur buddies are concerned, most of us probably assume nothing really life-changing came along in connection to them until perhaps the 1980s or later. Well, one of the most convenient inventions for pet owners came along far earlier than either of those decades. Photo: Pixabay/Nennieinszweidrei Cat Flaps Call them cat flaps or doggy doors, these scaled-down entrance/exit flaps for...
Can CBD Help Animals with Allergies?
Submission Guidelines Thank you for your interest in writing for Animal Wellness. As the #1 natural health magazine for pets in North America, we take pride in providing our readers with the information they need to make wise health care choices for their animal companions. Our publication embraces the entire holistic spectrum, from physical health issues to the emotional and spiritual well being of our animals. We welcome unsolicited articles and story outlines as long as they focus on holistic healing, whether physical, emotional or...
After More Than a Year, Poor Kylo Still Needs a Forever Home
Some shelter pets just can’t seem to catch a break. That’s the story of Kylo, a neutered brown boxer mix that’s been waiting for a forever home since December 17, 2021. Weighing approximately 48 pounds, shelter staff at Pima Animal Care Center in Tucson think he’s about 3 years old. Animal Rescue Described as a dark warrior with a strong force, Kylo Ren seeks to destroy the New Republic, the Resistance, and the legacy of the Jedi. Just kidding, Kylo is a dog — and a pretty sweet one at that. When Kylo first...
Are Your Scenting Products Safe for Your Four-Legged Family?
Do you love your fur babies and want your home to smell great? A lot of fragrance products have ingredients that aren’t pet-safe, but Aroma Retail understands the struggle and has a variety of home and business scenting products that’ll please your nose and keep your animals safe. Animals bring joy and happiness and make spaces feel like home, but they also bring along dirt and odors that can make your house smell. Any space that animal companions call home can benefit from safe and effective scenting solutions to address...
5 ways to give back to your dog this holiday season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season is a time to focus on giving back to your friends and family, and don’t forget your beloved four-legged friends! Your dog fills your life with joy, love and wet doggy kisses. So, show them how much you care with the 5 best ways to give back to your dog this holiday season. 1) Maintain their regular routine The holidays can really throw your regular routine off. With all the cooking, baking, gift-buying and gift-wrapping that needs to be done, it’s hard to...
A Sweet Rescue Dog Still Needs a Home After Being in Shelter for More Than a Year
Meet Mister, an adorable shelter dog who’s been waiting for a forever home for more than a year in southern Arizona. A 6-year-old neutered male, he’s a gorgeous tricolor pit bull terrier that weighs approximately 70 pounds. Mister may be a formal name but he’s a pretty casual kind of guy. He loves mellow strolls, giving smooches, and wearing Hawaiian shirts every day (not just casual Fridays). Mister enjoys car rides, loves to play fetch, and knows basic skills like sit, down, and stay. Ok, his down isn’t perfect but...
Pretty in Pink, CuppaPug Cafe’s Pint-Sized Pack of Pugs Decked Out for the Holidays
Pug lovers in London have something to be excited about over the holidays. CuppaPug, a cafe for snuggling with the little flat-faced goofballs millions have come to love, is celebrating the holiday season in pug style. Dressed up like Santa and his helpers, the cafe’s motto is “pugs’ welfare first, cafe second,” and is home to seven resident rescue pugs: Gaston, 6, Bruce, 5, Bowser, 3, Beau, 2, Gizmo, 1, Bebe, 1, and cute little Baloo, that’s just six months old. Photo: Pixabay/judygraham Pugmas Opened by pug...
How much does the microbiome REALLY contribute to animal health and wellness?
We were taught in school that the genes we inherit from our parents are the biggest driver of health outcomes. Since Antonie van Leewenhoek’s discoveries in the 1680’s that there are visible differences in microbes from the mouth vs. feces, the microbiome and its influence on health and behavior is slowly being realized (cardiovascular, neural development, metabolism, immune regulation, bacterial infection and anxiety to name a few), yet there is so much that remains unknown. [1-6] We know that the cellular power of the microbiome...
Tips for Responsibly Giving Rescue Pets as Gifts According to a Pro
Do you know someone who would like to welcome a pet into their home? Maybe you’re thinking about gifting them one for Christmas. In a recent article in People, Deb Fair, the executive director of the PEDIGREE Foundation, offered her advice on the most responsible way to gift a rescue pet this holiday season. Gifting Rescue Pets for the Right Reason First off, before we get into her advice, be sure they really want one and you’re not considering it because you feel they want or need one. An animal is not a toy or a gizmo you...