How a raw diet can prevent FLUTD in your cat
Lower urinary tract disease is one of the most common conditions affecting felines. Ridding your cat of FLUTD may be as simple as switching him to a raw diet. Most cats, at some point in their lives, develop lower urinary tract disease. From struvite crystals to urethral plugs, these problems are debilitating, costly to treat, and can even be life-threatening. A range of both conventional and holistic therapies can be used to treat and prevent FLUTD, but one of the most effective is to switch your cat to a raw diet. Evolutionary nutrition...
Working from home with pets
Over a year into the pandemic, more people are working from home than ever before. Maintaining your productivity while managing your dog or cat’s need for attention involves something of a balancing act. The number of people working from home has risen exponentially over the last year, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many home-based workers also have dogs and cats, and while we value our furry co-workers’ love and companionship during this time of isolation, there’s no denying they also present challenges in the home...
Trick or Treating Prep: Is Chocolate Really Bad For My Dog?
Halloween is just around the corner which means there’s likely going to be an influx of tasty treats in your house. Chocolate is arguably the most well-known of human foods that are not safe for our pets to eat, but is it actually as bad for dogs as people say it is? Keep reading if you want to get to the bottom of this much-talked-about topic. Can dogs eat chocolate? The short answer is no, dogs absolutely cannot eat chocolate. This is because caffeine and theobromine, two of the chemicals found in chocolate, are toxic to dogs. What...
Healthier harnesses are a cut above
Check out these practical “works of art” and other accessories from Puccissimé Pet Couture. A few weeks into puppy class, Alix McNeill’s trainer recommended she try a prong collar for her beagle mix, Daisy. “I was a bit shocked and heartbroken,” explains Alix. “Yes, Daisy was pulling when we walked, but there was no way I was going to use one of those devices.” Instead, Alix changed trainers, hit the internet and found a unique no-pull harness that has proved the perfect solution for...
Does your cat have a food allergy — or a food intolerance?
They’re not one and the same. Understanding the difference between a food allergy and food intolerance is the first step to helping your cat back to health. If your cat has a problem with a particular food, you probably assume he’s allergic to it. But that’s not necessarily the case. True food allergies are relatively uncommon. In fact, your cat may actually have what’s termed a food intolerance. Let’s take a look at food allergies and intolerances in cats, and the differences between their causes,...
Earth-friendly pet waste disposal
What goes in, must come out…and that means finding safe, earth-friendly ways to dispose of pet waste. Here are some options. The cost of living with a dog or cat is often calculated in dollars. Veterinary care, food, toys, bedding, and training all factor into the bottom line. There’s another cost that’s harder to pinpoint but is equally important — the environmental impact of pet waste. In other words, poop is a big problem for the planet. Let’s look at some ways to dispose of your pet waste while keeping...
The Latest and Greatest: Viral Pet Products of 2021
Believe it or not, the holidays are just around the corner! If you’re looking for inspiration for what to get your four-legged family member this upcoming holiday season, read on – we’ve compiled a list of some of the latest and greatest pet products of 2021. Outward Hound Fun Feeder We’ve talked about the benefits of puzzle feeders for your dogs previously, but if you’re still trying to decide which to purchase, take a look at the Outward Hound Fun Feeder. Rated the #1 dog slow feeders category on Amazon, it has...
Tackling your dog or cat’s skin problems with nutrition and supplements
Resolving allergies and other skin problems in your dog or cat involves much more than just stopping the itch. It also means getting to the root cause of the problem, and using nutrition and supplementation to help heal his skin from the inside out. It may seem counterintuitive, but skin problems in dogs and cats need to be addressed from the inside out, not the outside in. While it’s important to alleviate the discomfort of your animal’s itching and inflammation, it’s also crucial to get to the root cause of the...
What is feline hyperesthesia?
Also called rippling skin syndrome, feline hyperesthesia is an unusual condition that affects cats. If you have a cat at home, you’re sharing your life with a very distinctive little creature. From their physiology, to their nutritional requirements, to their astonishing physical flexibility, felines are unique among mammal species. Another very unusual thing about cats is their tendency to develop a rather strange disorder called hyperesthesia, which means abnormally increased sensitivity of the skin. This condition is sometimes also...
Why is my dog or cat losing his hair?
Hair loss in dogs and cats has many potential causes. Getting a definitive diagnosis from your veterinarian is the first step to solving the problem. Hair loss is a common problem in dogs and cats. Diagnosing the cause can be complicated, since most skin conditions, including those leading to hair loss, are outward symptoms of a more complex disease process. Hair loss can be broken down into several general categories that take not just the specific problem area into consideration, but the health of the whole animal. This can be huge when...