Many Cat Owners Believe that Their Pets Must be Allowed to Roam Freely Regardless of Risks
“Cats allowed to free-roam can lead to predation of wildlife, including native wildlife, disruption of wildlife behaviour, spreading disease like toxoplasmosis, which is a threat to our endangered marine mammals and can be transferred to humans as well. (Outdoor) cats are also at an increased risk of injury or harm to themselves,” said University of Canterbury master’s student Sarah Chamberlain who is also a cat owner. Cat containment is a controversial issue for many people around the world who own cats. Photo:...
Burglar was Caught by Police Officers due to a Cat’s Collar with GPS Device
Crime does not pay. And thanks to a cat’s collar which serves as a GPS device, police officers were able to catch a burglar near Toulouse. The owners of the house were out when the burglary happened in the village of Cintegabelle located in Haute-Garonne department in southwestern France. Photo: YouTube/Hype Tech The burglars rummaged through a trailer that was parked outside and got away with their stolen goods in a couple of cars belonging to the cat’s owners as well. As they returned home, the couple discovered the burglary but...
Zoo Welcomes a New Puppy to be Their Cheetah Cub’s Best Friend
A cheetah cub named Rozi will not be alone anymore at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. Soon, she will have a companion from the Animal Rescue Fund, Inc. — and that is Daisy, a new puppy! Photo: YouTube/LOCAL 12 Cincinnati Zoo’s cheetah ambassadors like Rozi are always paired with dogs as they grow up. And just like the many cheetah-dog pairs before them, Rozi and Daisy will be experiencing the world together, learning from each other, with Daisy helping Rozi to be trained into one of the zoo’s noble cheetah...
Stray Cats are being Killed and Mutilated at US Military Bases in Hawaii and South Korea
“It is our understanding that a group of soldiers from the 1st battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division purchased blow dart guns while on a recent training mission to Indonesia and brought them home to Hawaii. We have seen multiple cats with darts currently in them,” said KAT Charities founder Dr. Karen Tyson. Photo: YouTube/The Korea Times Killing and mutilation of feral cats are being reported in Hawaii by KAT Charities Animal Rescue. According to reports, the cats are being targeted...
Why does your cat stare at you?
Submission Guidelines Thank you for your interest in writing for Animal Wellness. As the #1 natural health magazine for pets in North America, we take pride in providing our readers with the information they need to make wise health care choices for their animal companions. Our publication embraces the entire holistic spectrum, from physical health issues to the emotional and spiritual well being of our animals. We welcome unsolicited articles and story outlines as long as they focus on holistic healing, whether physical, emotional or...
Six Signs You’ve Found The Best Pet Sitter
As much as you want your pet to join you for all of your adventures, it’s not always possible. This is why it’s important to have a trusted pet sitter who can care for your pets while you’re away. For first-time pet parents, this process can feel daunting – how do you find the best pet sitter for your furry family member? To help you out, we’ve put together a list of things you should look for when interviewing potential sitters. They’re happy to provide client references Professional pet sitters will...
Top basic supplements for dogs and cats
The market is awash in pet supplements, so if you’re having a hard time figuring out what your dog or cat really needs, it’s not surprising. Here’s an overview of the top basic supplements every dog or cat should have. The foundation of any health care program for dogs and cats, regardless of age and breed, is a healthy diet, well-chosen and appropriate supplements, minimal vaccines and medications, and veterinary check-ups. Regular testing can help diagnose disease in its early stages, and allow for any tweaking of diet and...
Brachycephalic Cats: what you need to know
Brachycephalic cats, such as Persians and Himalayans, have flat faces that predispose them to certain health issues. In dogs, brachycephaly is a well-known and well-studied condition. Bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers and Shih Tzus are just a few of the “short-nosed” flat-faced dogs that suffer from respiratory problems, bulging eyes, and overheating due to shortened nasal passages. While much is known about this disorder in canines, our feline friends are often overlooked even though they can also suffer from this condition. What...
Ask Dr. Aziza: Dealing With Stress in Pets
There are numerous reasons why your pet could be feeling stressed. Changes in their routine, their environment, a new addition to the home, or even something as innocuous as a new piece of furniture can increase your pet’s stress level. We’ve asked our Freshpet vet, Dr. Aziza, to give some insight into signs that your cat or dog is dealing with stress, as well as what you can do to reduce it. What are the top signs of stress in dogs? When dogs are stressed, there are a number of ways that they display it. Some of the top signs...
Household Cats are Smart Enough to Remember the Names and Faces of their Human and Feline Friends
You would be surprised to discover that your cat recognizes not just your face, but also remembers your name! A new study that was published in the journal Scientific Reports reveals these facts after conducting research on cats who have human owners and feline friends. Photo: YouTube/FunnyClix “We examined whether cats matched familiar cats’ names and faces… and human family members’ names and faces…” said the authors. “Cats were presented with a photo of the familiar cat’s face on a laptop...