Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-merlin/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I worked as security guard in a shopping centre, and part of our duties was to activate the compactor each morning to crush up the previous day’s rubbish. On this day, a sound alerted the guard, and he found six 10-day old kittens in a beer carton.

merlin3 - Cat Saved From Trash Compactor, Then Nursed Back to Health After Cat Flu

He took them back to the office, and knowing I was a cat lover, called me to ask what to do with them. We fed them milk from eyedroppers, and each of them was claimed by caring guards. At the end of the day, the guard who found them came to me and told me that the person who was going to take one of the kits had to refuse because her husband said no.


I had decided to raise one kitten, so what was one more? On my way home, I dropped in on the vet. The vet offered to euthanise them for free, as he said their chances of survival were pretty slim, but I wanted to take that chance. My parter and I hand reared them both.

merlin2 - Cat Saved From Trash Compactor, Then Nursed Back to Health After Cat Flu

After a couple of weeks, I had arranged homes for them, but at six weeks when I took them for the first shot, Merlin was found to be infected with cat flu. Again the vet said his chance of survival was almost nil, but I took him home.

I rang the person who I was going to give him to and said I had to keep him because he was sick. I nursed him through cat flu and decided that the cat who I was not supposed to have, I could not give up. He was the most loving cat I have ever had. Sadly five weeks ago, at 17-years-old after a long, happy life. I finally was forced to part with him.

merlin1 - Cat Saved From Trash Compactor, Then Nursed Back to Health After Cat Flu

Story submitted by Lee Daly from Brisbane, Australia.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog