Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/horses-wake-campers/

Camping can be a fun and educational pastime. It’s a nice way to unplug, get out in nature, and enjoy some time in the present.

One couple in England decided to enjoy a short camping trip at a national park and they were startled to be awoken by an animal munching on their tent!

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 09T143501.675 - Campers Wake To Find Ponies Nibbling On Their Tent
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

According to Caters Clips, 32-year-old Roxanne Rodrigues-Betts and her husband, 29-year-old James, were trying to enjoy a relaxing weekend camping Dartmoor National Park, and they got an upclose and personal experience with some of the park’s animals.

After staying the night in a tent at the park, the couple was woken up around sunrise to the startling realization that an animal was biting at their tent!

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 09T143627.172 - Campers Wake To Find Ponies Nibbling On Their Tent
Photo: YouTube/Caters Clips

I’ve done my fair share of camping over the years and I’m glad to say I’ve never had an animal take interest in my tent. I’ve thought about the situation happening, especially with bears or raccoons, and I’m not sure what I’d do if an animal did come after my tent!

When Roxanne and James realized a large animal was chowing down on the tent, Roxanne pulled out the camera to start recording. James speculated that it might be a sheep and he made a loud grunting noise to try to scare it away. When that was unsuccessful, he realized he’d need to open the tent and sho the animal away – whatever it was.

1200x628 template 4 2022 10 09T143854.124 - Campers Wake To Find Ponies Nibbling On Their Tent
Photo: YuTube/Caters Clips

Waking up to one animal biting at your tent would be startling enough, but when James opened the tent to look outside he was even more stunned. It wasn’t just one animal outside his tent – but a whole herd of ponies!

The couple was shocked but also found the situation to be quite humorous. What an experience!

Check out the hilarious video below:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog