Original Article: https://www.dogster.com/dog-breeds/bull-arab

The Bull Arab dog breed is certainly one that deserves a lot of attention, even though they are not recognized by any kennel club. This dog breed has so many different characteristics that make them versatile and rewarding companions to have.

In this article, we aim to explain more about the origin and overall experience when you own one of these interesting pups.

Breed Overview


12–18 inches


66–110 pounds


12–15 years


White with black, liver, tan, or brindle patches

Suitable for:

Active families, rural settings, hunting


Loyal & loving, intelligent, easy to train, friendly, gets along with other pets

Even though the Bull Arab dog is a hybrid that isn’t necessarily recognized by any major kennel club, it is unique and interesting for sure. There are several different dog breeds that go into influencing this overall canine, combining traits that make them intensely strong, loyal, and physically active.

Bull Arab Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Dogster divider v2 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

Bull Arab Puppies

When you have a Bull Arab puppy, you can expect a happy-go-lucky, fun loving little dog with boisterous energy. Not only are they some of the most adorable dogs to exist, but they also have such fantastic personalities.

Because they have so many combining factors to various breeds, it can be a little unpredictable to pin down their overall character to a tee. However, even as puppies, they tend to be very gentle, excitable, and playful. These dogs will keep you entertained as you watch them grow rapidly from a tiny little pup to a big dog before your very eyes.

Finding a Bull Arab can be quite difficult, and the breeding can be questionable. Someone can advertise a Bull Arab dog, but they might not actually be. That makes them frequently fall victim to puppy mills and backyard breeding practices, as there are not as many regulations as there are for purebred dogs.

Because of this risk, it is extremely important to research the breeder you select. They should be able to show a history of successful litters and put measures in place to ensure the successful pairing of a puppy and their potential owner. Infrequently, you might find a Bull Arab in a rescue or shelter. If that’s the case, all of the vetting will already be done for you, and you can give a dog a second chance at a happy life.

Bull Arabs are considered pretty rare, so the likelihood of finding one could be few and far between. Do your research and prepare to travel if you have your heart set on one of these adorable canines.

Bull Arab Origin & History

The Bull Arab is a type of dog breed that was originally bred in Australia for the purpose of pig hunting. Despite their hunting roots, these dogs have made their way into households due to their loving, devoted temperament and extremely easy-going nature.

Originally, these dogs were bred with the German Shorthaired Pointer, Greyhound, and Bull Terrier. As you are well aware, all three of these dogs have very different characteristics from one another.

When you mash them all up, you get a very agile and affectionate dog that has great judgment and hearty physical attributes.

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Image Credit: 3sby, Shutterstock

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Dogster divider v2 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

Temperament & Intelligence of the Bull Arab 🧠

One of the most fantastic things about the Bull Arab dog breed is that they are very protective, but they are not aggressive. That means, if someone they love is in danger, they will act accordingly, but they have extremely good discernment and are never unbalanced or unjustly reactive towards strangers and unknown faces.

These dogs are known for their perfect temperaments, being one of the most loyal, kind dog breeds to exist. They get along very well with and have unmatched loyalty towards those in their family. They form very close connections, desperately wanting to be a part of everything that goes on in the household.

They are highly intuitive, meaning they can sense motions and react accordingly. These dogs are sensational for emotional support and could even be trained for rules of service with the right guidance.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

These dogs make incredible family additions to many different lifestyles. However, they won’t be a match for all. These dogs are highly athletic energetic dogs that absolutely love having space to roam.

Whether you have a large fenced in backyard or enjoy taking walks in the great outdoors, it is crucial that you understand the physical requirements necessary to own this dog so you can create an exercise plan accordingly.

These dogs are not necessarily the best options for apartment living, as they much prefer rural territories and not cramped living spaces. These dogs are extremely obedient and can be taught extremely quickly.

Because of their fast learning capabilities, they make excellent choices for first time owners. However, due to their size, we recommend these dogs for children, aged 6 and older. If the child is younger, they might knock them down or not understand how to play with them properly.

Bull Arab and little French Bulldog snapincite Shutterstock 800x534 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Image Credit: snapincite, Shutterstock

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

These dogs can get along very well with other canines. In fact, many of them prefer to have another furry buddy around to get into mischief with. However, because of their hunting background, they might have a very high prey drive.

Some of them might just want to chase your household cat for fun. Others might want to kill it. It can be a gamble, so it’s important to understand their nature before you bring them home.

We do not recommend having dogs around smaller animals, despite how much you might trust them. Accidents happen and even great dogs with good intentions can hurt smaller pets without meaning to. Always supervise any interaction your dog has with any other animals in the home.

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Dogster divider v3 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

Things to Know When Owning a Bull Arab Dog

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Like any other dog, these dogs require high-quality food designed specifically for canines to keep them happy and healthy. Ultimately, the type of dog food as well as the particular recipe is up to you and your veterinarian.

Always clear any diet changes with your vet to make sure that it’s reasonable and advised. When your dog is a puppy, they will need a high-quality, protein rich recipe that provides them with a balanced amount of nutrients to assist their growing and developing bodies.

Once they reach adulthood, they’ll need a great maintenance diet to sustain. You might have to tweak the diet if you notice any reactions to other brands of food. Your dog might develop allergies, creating a series of elimination diets that get to the root of the cause.

Once you determine the allergen, you can buy a dog food specifically designed to avoid the particular ingredient. As your dog ages, switching to a senior dog food after the age of 7 is a very good idea. This will help their declining bodies sustain as long as possible.

Bull arab hunting dog with rugby ball RugliG Shutterstock 800x542 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Image Credit: RugliG, Shutterstock

Exercise 🐕

This dog will need plenty of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. On average, the Bull Arab needs about 60 minutes of exercise per day. They will gladly jump for joy every time they hear your keys jingle or see the leash in your hand.

You can break this up in a few brisk walks or get creative and come up with a series of scavenger hunts, games, puzzles, and interactive play to keep them busy. They do have a bit of wanderlust potential, so always make sure any enclosures are completely secure.

Training 🎾

These dogs are incredibly easy to train. They are immensely eager to please, meaning that they will listen to you surely because they respect you. They are also extremely laid-back, making them very receptive to everything going on around them.

They are highly in tune with your emotions so they can easily sense if you were displeased with them. This might hurt their feelings enough to get them in line, so keep that in mind if you have a sensitive pooch on your hands.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming this particular breed should be pretty easy. They tend to have shorter, easy to manage coats, even though they do shed vigorously year-round. Because they usually have single layer coats, they don’t have extremely major blowouts in a year, but you will have to keep up with more shed than others as the seasons change.

These dogs are easy to brush, and they might even love the attention! They require baths every 4 to 6 weeks, and be sure to keep up with other routine hygiene like toothbrushing, nail clipping, and ear cleaning.

Bull Arab hunting dog playing with balls RugliG Shutterstock 800x605 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Image Credit: RugliG, Shutterstock

Health and Conditions ❤️

This dog was bred to be an extremely healthy specimen. They are built to withstand the elements, and generally have very strong structures. So, you likely won’t have to dish out a bunch of money for vet bills.

Of course, there is always the possibility with any dog that they will develop a health condition overtime. So, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the possibilities for that particular breed.

Minor Conditions
  • Cataracts
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Epilepsy
  • Retained testicles

Male vs Female

If you are making a decision on the dog you want based on sex alone, that might be complicated to do if you’re only deciding factor as personality. However, gender can play a role in multiple different aspects when it comes to behaviors and complications.

For example, every dog reaches sexual maturity generally between 4 and 6 months of age. After this, they will be able to reproduce. Females will go into heat cycles. Not only do these slightly change their personalities, they can also cause discomfort and bleeding, meaning you would have to protect your fabrics and furniture.

Males might wander more and become more aloof as they start their search for a mate. It is always in the best interest of all those involved to get a dog spayed or neutered to protect their health and overall well-being.

Dogster divider v1 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

Dogster divider v1 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bull Arab

1. Bull Arabs are goofy.

If you talk to the owner of a Bull Arab, they will likely tell you just how goofy these dogs are. Because of their clumsiness and overall comical personalities, it can take them a while to grow into their feet. Slow to mature, these dogs stay puppy-like for many years.

3. Bull Arabs are very rare in the United States.

It is almost impossible to find a Bull Arab in the United States. While breeders do exist, it isn’t as prevalent as some would prefer. If you are from the United states, you’ll definitely have to do your research to see if you can find a breeder close enough to you.

4. Bull Arabs have their own look.

If you look at the Bull Arab, you can certainly see how they are a hybrid breed. They carry many characteristics of several dogs they’re mixed with, so you can see features of each one in their coat and overall appearance.

Australian Bull Arab dog breed 3sby Shutterstock 800x534 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts
Image Credit: 3sby, Shutterstock

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Dogster divider v2 NEW MAY 24 - Bull Arab Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Care, & Facts

Final Thoughts

The Bull Arab is an all-around fantastic family dog. From their playful nature to their unwavering loyalty, these dogs will definitely fill the hearts of all those they encounter. They’re typically very good with other canines and strangers, making them perfect for social families as well.

Even though these dogs are not fantastic for more sedentary households, they can be very good matches for most others. Keep in mind that these dogs do require a lot of physical activity and don’t make the best apartment dogs.

So what do you think? Is a Bull Arab next on your list, checking all your boxes for your best friend criteria?

Featured Image Credit: NettieBee, Shutterstock

Source: Dogster