Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/bomb-squad-finds-kittens/

A bomb unit was called to investigate a suspicious duffle bag, but what they found inside was far from threatening. They found a mother cat and her six newborn kittens!

The Butler County Bomb Unit responded to a call about a suspicious duffle bag left outside a church in New Miami. Not knowing what to expect, they approached the call like any other. However, what they discovered inside was quite a surprise.

The duffle bag held a mother cat, six newborn kittens, and a note. According to a Facebook post by the Animal Friends Humane Society, the note stated that the mom’s name was Sprinkles and she started giving birth at 2:00 pm on Wednesday.

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Photo: Animal Friends Humane Society

The post shared that the mom and her kittens were immediately taken to the Animal Friends Humane Society where they were all found to be in good health. The kittens were soaked in their mom’s pee and did need some gentle bathing, but their overall health was great.

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Sprinkles was doing a great job at caring for her babies, nursing them, and looking after them.

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Photo: Animal Friends Humane Society

All seven kitties have been transferred to a foster home where they’re receiving excellent care until they’re old enough to be placed in forever homes. The rescue shared that they’ll continue posting updates on the cats as they grow over the next two months. You can follow their Facebook page for updates.

Hundreds of people were deeply touched by the post. Many commented saying how relieved they were that all the kittens survived the cold temperatures. Others were grateful that their former owner had the decency to leave them at a church and not in a dumpster.

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Photo: Animal Friends Humane Society

We’re so glad to hear that Sprinkles and her kittens are bound for a happy ending with loving forever families!

If you want to donate supplies to help feed them, you can purchase supplies from their Amazon Wish List.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog