preparing to bring home a new addition, many pet parents will scour the web for
videos and blogs that will prepare them for what’s to come. What they don’t
realize is that they’re missing an entire category of resources – podcasts!
There are numerous podcasts dedicated to helping pet parents navigate this new
and exciting stage of life. We’ve rounded up five podcasts, hosted by both
trained professionals and experienced pet parents, that focus on different
areas of pet parenthood.

Dr. Dunbar’s iWoofs Podcasts

Dr. Dunbar’s iWoofs Podcasts is hosted by Dr. Ian Dunbar, a veterinarian who started the Association of Professional Dog Trainers – the largest association of dog trainers in the world. The episodes cover a wide variety of topics that new pet parents will benefit from learning more about, with a focus on scientifically-sound training and socialization methods. While every episode has something important to offer, we recommend starting with the episodes on what to expect on your puppy’s first day and night at home as well as errorless house training, so you know that you’re reinforcing the right behaviors from day one.

You can listen to Dr. Dunbar’s iWoofs Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

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Call the Vet

the world of pet health can be daunting, especially for first-time pet parents.
On his podcast Call the Vet, Dr. Alex Avery and his expert guests dive into a
wide range of health-related topics, from preventing disease and improving
daily health to understanding food labels and tips for sustainable pet
parenting. By sharing insights from their years of working in veterinary medicine,
they aim to give pet parents the information they need to help their pets live
happy and healthy lives.

You can listen to Call the Vet on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Nine Lives with Dr. Kat

Kathryn Primm’s goal is to help cat parents provide the best lives for their
feline friends. This podcast covers anything and everything that cat parents
should know, from serious questions like whether you should get pet insurance
and how to give your cat medicine to lighter topics like weird things cats do
and why. The expert host and wide range of episode topics make this a
must-listen for new and experienced cat parents alike.

You can listen to Nine Lives with Dr. Kate on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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The Dogist: Talking Dogs

may be familiar with the popular Instagram account, The Dogist, but did you
know that team behind the account also has a podcast? Each week, hosts Isabel,
Elias, and Kate – and the occasional special guest – get together for casual
chats about important subjects such as dog park etiquette or traveling with
your dog. While there’s a lot of educational content in these episodes, the
team does a great job keeping it lighthearted and entertaining.

You can listen to Talking Dogs on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Pet Parents, Oversharing by Freshpet

In addition to educational podcasts, it can also be helpful to prepare for your new arrival by simply hearing others speak about their experience of being a pet parent. Best friends Kaity Reagle and Andrea Shapiro dive into all aspects of pet parenthood, from the awkward stories and catastrophic failures to the fluffy feel-good moments of redemption. Each episode will give you a behind-the-scenes look at what real life with a pet is like so you can be prepared for anything you may encounter, especially in the early days with your new addition.

You can listen to season one of Pet Parents, Oversharing on Spotify, and season two on Apple Podcasts.

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learning is a lifelong process, part of being a responsible pet parent is
gaining as much knowledge as you can before your new addition arrives. We hope
these podcasts will be both a helpful resource and a source of entertainment as
you navigate your way through pet parenthood.

Source: Freshpet