Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/baby-anteater-rejected-by-mother-at-zoo-survives/

image - Baby Anteater Surprise Staff And Survives After His Mother Rejected Him

Ziggy the Giant Anteater is somewhat of a Christmas miracle baby. The little anteater was born on December 8th at the Miami Zoo. However, shortly after birth, he was rejected by his mother who left him to fend for himself in a deserted part of her enclosure.

On one of the coldest nights of the year, Miami Zoo employees found little Ziggy. He wasn’t doing too well, having become quite weakened from the cold.

They immediately took him into the zoo’s hospital and put him into intensive care. Thankfully, little Ziggy proved to have a fighter’s spirit despite how small he was.

The baby anteater was given the name Ziggy after David Bowie’s alter-ego, Ziggy Stardust. He’s not the first anteater at the zoo to be named as a tribute to David Bowie, as four years prior, the first Giant Anteater to be born to the zoo was named Bowie.

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After 10 days in the care of the zookeepers, little Ziggy showed that he was making strides in recovery. He was getting stronger and more active, cuddling, and playing with toys. He was also showing that he could eat from the bottle all by himself – an incredible feat for such a youngster.

The zoo’s post added that the zoo’s veterinarians remain “cautiously optimistic” in the face of all the hurdles Ziggy has taken on in his first few days.

They are hopeful that he will continue to improve. And of course, they will be there on his journey. They concluded by writing, “Welcome to the world, little one!”

As Mail Online reported, once Ziggy seemed to be making strides, the zoo tried to reunite him with his mom. At first, it seemed like she might take him back, however, she later rejected him for a second time. While that is sad, Ziggy at least has the zookeepers – and they are more than happy to continue caring for him.

Good luck, Ziggy! Hope you grow up big and strong!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog