Original Article: https://www.austinpetsalive.org/blog/austin-pets-alive-receives-63-pets-from-san-angelo-texas

IMG 3913 - Austin Pets Alive! Receives 63 Pets from San Angelo, Texas
Feb 23, 2021

AUSTIN, TX — Austin Pets Alive! coordinated the transport of and received 63 dogs and cats from San Angelo and Concho Valley PAWS on Tuesday.

The 63 dogs and cats rescued by Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) are just a few of the nonprofit rescue’s goal of transporting 1,000 Texas shelter pets at-risk of euthanasia to safety in the next couple of weeks. San Angelo was just one of many Texas cities ravaged by Winter Storm Uri, and worked quickly to coordinate with APA! to get some of their pets out to safe shelters.

“These dogs and cats are now safe and at the main Austin Pets Alive! shelter, where they’ll be until they begin their treks to other shelters up north,” said Clare Callison, Maddie’s® Director of Pet Supply and Demand. “We’re grateful to our shelter partners in San Angelo for working with us and doing all they can to give these pets a live outcome.”

APA!’s dog and cat teams were onsite and ready to intake and get the pets situated at their Town Lake facility during their short stint in Austin. More dogs and cats will be transported to APA! over the coming weeks. Some have already continued on across the country, to shelters in Chicago, IL; Denver, CO; Salt Lake City, UT; and several others.

Texas shelters who need help getting pets out as well as shelters that are able to transport and/or receive cats and dogs should contact [email protected]. The biggest need at this time is for organizations that can safely transport pets. To help make these transports happen, people are encouraged to give to Austin Pets Alive! here.

Source: Austin Pets Alive