Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/masha-circus-bear/

Masha is a Eurasian bear who spent 19 years in the circus, where she was forced to perform and spent the rest of her time trapped in a tiny cage.

Fortunately, the unhappy bear was rescued by Warriors of Wildlife, a Ukrainian rescue group committed to the rescue, relocation, and ongoing care of abused and neglected animals.

masha circus 3 - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

But just as rescuers were in the process of transferring the bear to a wildlife sanctuary in Romania, war erupted in Ukraine–making Masha’s evacuation more urgent than ever.

“What seemed like a straightforward relocation from Ukraine to Romania ended up being a VERY delicate extraction mission,” rescuers explained in a video detailing Masha’s rescue.

masha in cage - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

But even despite the danger, brave rescuers were determined to do whatever it took to give Masha the life she deserved.

With support from Greater Good Charities, rescuers drove into Ukraine in a van loaded with humanitarian supplies to be distributed inside the war-torn country.

rescuers drive masha - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

Once they reached Masha, rescuers began the delicate task of transferring the rescued bear into the van for the long journey to Romania, where Masha would get to live in a wildlife sanctuary with other rescued bears.

Unfortunately, placing the traumatized bear back in a cage seemed to trigger Masha’s unpleasant memories of her decades spent in captivity.

masha being moved - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

“She was very stressed,” said WOW’s founder, Lionel de Lange. “This trip and putting her back in the box has brought back memories of being in the circus and traveling around the country. She was really scared.”

Once Masha was safely into the van, rescuers began the long, dangerous drive through war-torn Ukraine.

As of five hours ago, Masha the bear arrived at her new home, AMP Libearty – Bear Sanctuary, thanks to the efforts of…

Posted by Greater Good Charities on Monday, March 21, 2022

Thankfully, this part of the journey went off without a hitch–even despite the difficulty of transporting an animal of Masha’s size during a war.

Although the journey took many hours, rescuers crossed the Romanian border and arrived at the wildlife sanctuary where Masha would be living without major incidents.

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Photo: Warriors of Wildlife
masha sanctuary 1000 - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

Now Masha is recovering from her journey at Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Romania, a 69-hectare wildlife sanctuary founded for rescued bears who, like Masha, have been saved from captivity.

Not only is Masha–who became the sanctuary’s 117th resident–greatly enjoying her new life outside of a cage, she even spotted her very first bear!

masha sees bear - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

Of course, Masha’s new life wouldn’t be possible without support from Greater Good Charities and Animal Rescue Site, whose readers helped make this dangerous rescue mission a reality.

masha cute - As War Erupts In Ukraine, Heroes Embark On Urgent Mission To Save Rescued Circus Bear
Photo: Warriors of Wildlife

“When we first wanted to move her, that was one thing but then the war happened and logistics changed and costs changed,” said de Lange, who is grateful to everyone who helped give Masha a second chance at life.

Thanks for helping us save this rescued bear from Ukraine! Please make a donation to help us save wild animals who remain trapped in Ukraine’s war.

Find out more in the video:

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog