Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/rescue-story-adam/

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I am a Detective for an Upstate NY Police Department. It was January 26th, 2013, one of the coldest days of the year. Our dispatchers received a call for dogs locked in the back of a Uhaul truck, and that they had been for days.

animal 705991 960 720 508x338 - Adam, One Of The Uhaul Dogs
PHOTO: Pexels.com

Units were dispatched and when they arrived approached a male in the area of the Uhaul and asked him to open it. He begrudgingly did. Inside were found 4 pit bulls. Three pit bulls in a cage fit for one and 1 pregnant female searching for food in the the compartment. There was none. All dogs were frozen, had sores and were starving.

My Adam was the worst. We initially thought he was a puppy. He weighed only 27 pounds. He was skin and bones. Hours away from freezing and starving to death. The dogs were seized and brought to the Vet emergency clinic, where the Vets worked to warm the dogs internal body temp. The owner was arrested.

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All dogs were eventually transferred to the Mohawk Hudson Humane Society where the Vets and staff worked around the clock to get these dogs healthy again. I fell in love with my Adam immediately, and knew when the court case was over I would be adopting him, After several months Adam now weighs 70 pounds.

His abuser has plead guilty to Felony Animal Cruelty will be sentenced in August. Adam now has a warm home he shares with my 4 other rescues and his own pool he uses to cool down in the summer. He is the most gentle and loving dog. I am so grateful for the tireless effort and rock solid case put forth by my department.

PhotoStory18491 web 423x338 - Adam, One Of The Uhaul Dogs
PHOTO: Anonymous

This picture is after 4 months, his before picture he is unrecognizable, except for his beautiful eyes.

Ps The other dogs rescued from the truck were all nursed back to health, the pregnant female gave birth to 3 pups within days after warming up and all dogs and pups were adopted by good homes.

Story submitted by Anonymous, from Colonie, New York.

These rescue stories were originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog