Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/tongue-punctured/

Lola is a four-year-old Sprocker Spaniel who suffered a fatally swollen tongue — due to a stick punctured inside her mouth. Daniel Mainland, Lola’s owner, brought her to Linnaeus-owned Veterinary Specialists Scotland (VSS), in Livingston. They arrive in VSS while Lola is suffering from a fatally swollen tongue — the swelling reaches around her jaw. Due to the swelling, Lola wasn’t able to move properly, and she continued to drool.

tongue punctured in line 1 600x314 - A Vet from a West Lothian Hospital Saves a Sprocker from a Punctured Tongue
Photo: Pixabay/Amorhunter

The cause of swelling can’t be identified, and they had to resort to advanced imaging with a CT scan. A diplomate in veterinary radiology at VSS, Elizabeth Munro, analyzed the CT images — two pieces of stick were punctured inside Lola’s mouth.

“The CT was consistent with a stick injury and associated severe soft tissue swelling. As the stick was embedded in the tongue and, therefore, could not be seen on visual inspection, ultrasound examination of the tongue under general anesthesia was used to pinpoint its exact location.” Munro explained.

Actions were made quickly, but Lola’s tongue was so severely swollen that they could not insert an endotracheal tube to anesthetize her. Thankfully, a tracheostomy tube was a good alternative to use. The procedure was taken over by Dr. Woods, and she shared that the ultrasound showed two pieces of sticks — one about 3cm and the other one is said to be 5cm.

“An incision, under ultrasound guidance was made at the site of the sticks and released a large volume of pus. I then used forceps to grasp and successfully remove the two separate sticks. Lola recovered really well and we were able to remove the tracheostomy tube two days after surgery, as the swelling subsided. Lola was then allowed home when it had subsequently resolved and she was eating well again,” shares Dr. Woods.

Daniel could not fathom how two sticks were stuck inside Lola’s mouth, and he shared that Lola loves to chew on tennis balls which might be why she got punctured by sticks. According to Daniel, VSS vets are commendable, and pet parents should also trust the West Lothian veterinary hospital. He was very grateful that the vets who helped them were transparent and provided effective solutions to such dilemmas.

tongue punctured in line 2 600x314 - A Vet from a West Lothian Hospital Saves a Sprocker from a Punctured Tongue
Photo: PxHere

Vet professionals from VSS continue to provide the best medical action for animals — ensuring pet parents that their babies are in the right hands. You can read testimonies from various people on their website. You’ll feel the care and concern from these vet professionals — this story from Daniel and Lola can attest that the medical institution is highly recommendable.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog