Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/pets-welcome-in-bordering-ukraine-countries/

image - Ukrainians Fleeing With Their Pets Are Welcomed With Open Arms In Several Bordering Countries Who Waived Vet Papers

After the Russian invasion last week, hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are fleeing the war-torn country and seeking a safe haven for their families and pets.

Images of devoted pet parents holding their animals close as they take cover in a bomb shelter or navigate the dangerous streets have gone viral on social media. The heartbreaking images show just how much they love their pets.

Some people have even left behind their belongings to make sure their most important possession – their pet – is safe. A journalist, Orge Castellano, shared some photos on Twitter that are the definition of unconditional love.

Thankfully, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia have waived vet papers so refugees can cross the border with their beloved pets.

“The Polish border is open to all Ukrainians,” said Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. He went on to say they are “welcome to bring their pets with them”.

Продовжуємо збір кошів на порятунок тваринСьогодні ми з вами відправили кошти таким притулкам:Cat house9…

Posted by UAnimals on Sunday, February 27, 2022

Romania welcomes Ukrainians and all pets, even those without human guardians. An animal shelter in Romania called Casa lui Patrocle has offered to help people and all species of animals.

RO 🇹🇩 Asociația Casa lui Patrocle Suceava își anunță oficial pe această cale sprijinul și asistența acordată familiilor…

Posted by Casa lui Patrocle – Animal Rescue on Thursday, February 24, 2022

“We are in Suchav, 40 kilometers from the border with Ukraine. We will do our best to find solutions to foster, shelter and veterinary care for animals in need, repeat – regardless of the species (dogs, cats, horses, big horned livestock, birds),” they posted on Facebook.

UKRAINE ANIMAL UPDATE: We are currently supporting three animal shelters in Ukraine as war ravages the country:…

Posted by Network for Animals on Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Network for Animals, an animal welfare organization, shared which countries are open to people and their pets and urges everyone to take their pets with them.

There are volunteers waiting at the borders to help people and their pets find temporary housing and medical care if needed.

Vama Siret, 1.03.2022Poveștile de ieri, căci n-am avut timp să scriem despre ele. Prima săptămână de război. Mii de…

Posted by Casa lui Patrocle – Animal Rescue on Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sadly, some dogs and cats are being abandoned at shelters as people flee for their lives – but they are not forgotten. Shelter workers and international rescues are stepping in to help save them.

7 день війни: Статус порятунку тваринВ Україні продовжується війна, яку проти нашої країни розпочала Росія. Ми…

Posted by UAnimals on Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Network for Animals is supporting Ukraine animal shelters who are doing everything they can to find sanctuary or care for shelter pets. “Animal shelter staff have refused to flee and will not abandon the animals. Wherever they possibly can, they will help the animals left behind, and we will do everything we can to rush aid to them,” posted the charity organization.

UKRAINE PET UPDATE: The situation in Ukraine is getting worse by the minute and animal shelters are now being bombed….

Posted by Network for Animals on Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ukrainian soldiers have also been seen caring for dogs and cats and doing their best to keep them safe.

Тим часом, українці не кидають друзів навіть на передовій 🇺🇦❤️

Posted by UAnimals on Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The lives of homeless pets are at risk but rescues like UAnimals are working hard to help feed and care for them.

The shelters are being bombed or in areas with little military support and desperately need pet food and supplies.

UKRAINE DONATION UPDATE: We have just delivered another 2 TONS of cat and dog food to the Ecoprotection of…

Posted by Network for Animals on Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Join us in providing food and critical supplies to people and pets in Ukraine. Donate now!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog