iStock 177727969 copy - Join CARE for 4 webcasts during Black History Month

Join Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity (CARE) for their second annual CARE Caucus during Black History Month, every Wednesday evening in February at 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET. (Please note that one webcast will be held on Thursday, February 17 at 12:00 PM PT/ 3:00 PM ET.)

Four free discussions will be had, all by Black speakers. African Americans only represent 2% of the veterinary field, and CARE wants to raise that number. In addition to a low number of Black veterinary students, there is also a large number that are at risk of dropping out due to costs and financial hardships.

Register now for these webcasts and join CARE’s effort to “Change the 2%.”

Black Queers CARE: American Historical Figures and Kinship
Wednesday, February 2, 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET

Join CARE’s Chief of Research and Development, Johnny Jenkins, leading a discussion with activists and scholars discussing Black American queer historical figures, Black LGBTQ+ communal kinship, and the role companion pets in our traditional and non-traditional families. Register now

The Lingering Effects of Structural Racism on Housing
Wednesday, February 9, 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET

High-quality, stable housing is central to the health and well-being of all families. But obstacles placed in the path of Black Americans to access housing options continue to negatively impact the Black community. Join a conversation with CARE’s Board Secretary, Kara D. Beverly, Esq., and Baltimore City Councilman, Dr. John T. Bullock, where they will discuss the impact of redlining and gentrification, the exacerbating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and strategies for a path forward. Register now

Black Proximate Leaders
Thursday, February 17, 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET

CARE’s Senior Director of Research and Development, Mueni Rudd, will facilitate a conversation with our Black-led CARE Centers. They will address how we can improve Black communities’ access to local pet resources and how animal welfare can begin to acknowledge and repair harm with Black communities locally.

The panel includes Sterling Davis (Trapking Humane), Dr. Karlyn Emile (Community and Health Empowerment Network) and Tim Freeman (Braveheart Pets). Register now

The Power of Sankofa
Wednesday, February 23, 4:00 PM PT / 7:00 PM ET

The “Sankofa” is a metaphorical symbol used by the Akan people of Ghana, generally depicted as a bird with its head turned backward taking an egg from its back. It teaches us we must reach back to value past knowledge in order to move forward. Join James Evans and colleagues talk about things we could have learned from previous Civil rights movements and leaders to truly make progress. Register now

Source: Chew On This