Original Article: https://blog.theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com/cat-sagging-belly/

Cats are probably some of the coolest animals in the animal kingdom. And I don’t mean cool as in they’ve got amazing physical capabilities. Well, the big cats of the wild certainly do.

But I’m talking about the cute little domesticated kitties that share our homes. They’re not as impressive as their wild cousins, yet they still strut around with big attitudes. They know that they’re cool and they’re letting the rest of us know it.

But as they walk around like they own the place, have you ever noticed that they have a little pooch that looks like they’ve got a sagging belly?

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Photo: Pexels/Tranmautritam

If you’ve wondered if that’s normal or if that’s just a sign that your cat needs to lay off the cat treats, then here is your answer.

As AnimalWised explains, that little bit of loose skin is actually a primordial pouch. All cats have it, it’s just more pronounced in some cats than others.

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Photo: Pexels/Cats Coming

The primordial pouch isn’t a sign of obesity at all. There is actually a big difference between your cat being a chunkster and just naturally having a little excess pouch.

In fact, the primordial pouch is quite important to your feline’s survival. The excess skin and fat can provide your cat with a reserve to get them through a time of famine. But it also gives them extra mobility for physical activities like stretching and jumping.

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Photo: Pexels/cottonbro

Granted, our domestic kitties don’t need the primordial pouch for survival the same way that their wild ancestors did, but it’s still a part of their anatomy today. Like any cat owner knows, you don’t mess with the fluffy little belly.

Check out more info in the video below:

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Did you know about cats’ primordial pouch? Does your kitty have one? Let us know!

Source: The Animal Rescue Site Blog